@Andrew J and welcome to SF. It is nice to meet you.
As far as I am aware psychiatrists do not have a wealth of knowledge of Asperger's disorder, its considered a communication disorder but of course can attribute to mental health symptoms so while you may be feeling terrible right now, trust me, there is hope and you can go on to live a very happy, independent and fulfilled life after an Asperger's diagnosis.
The best advice I can give you would be to see an Asperger's specialist, they are costly but worth it. They should do a full screening, IQ tests etc...
I have no idea where you live but some areas are better than others for this treatment following a diagnosis. Your general doctor should be able to guide you on that.
Do not give up. Your life is worth more than that and you owe it to yourself to seek the best treatment, I wish you the best of luck.