Can suicide ever be a rational decision?

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I was inpsired by ryanangler's poll about guilt, and the issue I wrestle with immensely is can suicide ever be a rational desicion? Thinking about it, given this is a suicide forum and we're all treading the same waters, there's probably much agreement on this topic, but I put the question out anyway.

As for me, I believe that yes, I can rationally choose to end my own life; it is mine, and as I believe greatly in fate and one's course following a somewhat predestined path, maybe it is the only true decision I can make free of any influence. I have always believed in fate and when your time comes, there's nothing one can do about it; who's to say that ending one's life isn't part of that equation?


Well-Known Member
In the committers mind, yes.

In somebody else's mind, usually no because they've never been in the committers situation.


Well-Known Member
Rationalized, sure, it can be rationalized just as any other major decision in your life.

For example a person's family whom chooses euthanasia - are they not sane?
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