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Cant do it

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i cant cope anymore and theres no one else i can talk to. not that i really wanna talk i kinda just wanna knw theres people that i can talk to. im not makin any sense.
its just too hard today


Hi Jaded sorry to hear your feelings are getting the better of you.

Just letting you know there is always some one here to listen if you decide to talk about it.

wishing you well

Behind Closed Doors I Cry


Staff Alumni
:hug: Aww hun. I can tell you are in a great deal of pain. What is it that is too hard for you today? Even though things may seem too hard for you to handle, there are other options to suicide. If you need someone to talk with about these overwhelming feelings please PM me. I will listen and try to help you get through this. you are not alone. There are people here that care.
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