cant take anymore

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i cant deal with life anymore its just to hard. i have spent the whole evening self harming trying to deal with how im feeling but it hasnt worked. I want to die and i cant shake the feeling its overwhelming. how do i cope?
Whats got you feeling so bad? Are you on any kind of meds or in some kind of therapy? If not then maybe that's something to think about?

I hope your okay :hug:


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Hi sunny, what is making your life too hard to deal with? Tell us, we might be able to help you work out a solution. :hug:


Antiquities Friend
Use this site to vent - let us know what is going on...

I've found that when I say I can't take it - that makes the crisis worse...maybe you can survive another moment - long enough to verbalize it here...Then you can get some support....

You are harming yourself because the pain needs an outlet...

Where does the pain originate? Who should the anger be directed toward?

It can help to let someone know.



Antiquities Friend

It's been three days since your initial crisis post. Are you still there? How do you feel today? Are you still having legal problems? How about between you and your S.O.? Talk to us, please.

When I'm feeling really, really down on myself I just try to remember the fun I had back in elementary school before my brother died and my girlfriend ran away.

< Mod Edit - Don't encouraging drug/alcohol use >
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