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Castrate myself


Well-Known Member
Hate me or whatever.

I don't like looking at girls. When I look at a girl that I find pretty, I only feel pain.

I wanna remove every desire.
I wont judge you. I do think there are things you can do that aren't that permanent. If it's causing you so much pain, is there something else you can focus on, for say a few months or as long as you want. I don't really want to look at another man. I had awful relationships that ended in me really hurt because when I love, I mean it. It's not the end of the world, there are ways to be happy.... and I don't mean to minimize how you feel either. But a person can't get all their happiness based on a relationship with another person, I had to learn the hard way. I have to learn to enjoy my own company when I'm alone. We do come into the world with nothing, and every single one of us will leave the world with nothing. I mean it's really nice when a couple can get married and stay together, but even there it's mostly one dies before the other. I'm not saying your pain isn't real. Wanting love from another is the most natural thing in the world. I'm saying try to make a deal with yourself to not focus on dating for a while, focus on what you can start to find that makes you comfortable in your own skin, with just yourself. I'm not saying you have to do anything but there are a lot of things a person can do just with themselves, walks in nature, taking up a hobby if music interests you, guitars are cheap if you want to look, I found one for 100 bucks, mind you it wasn't great to practice on but it works. Librarys have lots of books, I spent years just borrowing books from the library, I had no car and no extra money to just spend however I wanted. There's right here, lots of people need your support as well, as you can offer or are willing if you are. You have worth just being a human. We are called human beings not human doings.... I can stare and be angry at the new odsp worker all day for screwing up my life.... it isn't going to help me. I hope you can find something other than a drastic thing that can't be changed.


Well-Known Member
I already do those things in a way.

I just don't play much guitar like I used to.

The thing about me is that I can't just turn off my will to like other people. Can't stay home all day too.

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