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Chat/Emote Request Thread

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SF Supporter
Can we please have a sad faced hug? Most hugs here are sad hugs not 'congratulations on your great life' friggin smiley hugs. I don't know how to link to a yellow emote hug guy in motion hugging exactly like the one we have except with sad faces.. I'm sure it exists. Find it. Please.


Well-Known Member
Tim, please can we have an emote that curtsey's ? Is that how you spell it lmao oooo and one that bows?? Could I also have a zebra ? I like zebras :) oh, with the chat on the mobile if I'm pming someone nd I get a new message from someone else, it opens up the new pm without me realising until I've already sent the message and it ends up to the wrong person, Don't know if anyone else experiences that?
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