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Can a female rape a male?

I mean, is it rape if you have sex with a female when you don't really want to? Like your body responds but your heart and brain don't. And you say you don't want to but she carries on and your body just responds to what shes doing even tho you dont want it to?
Yes it has been known for a female to rape a male. Rape is being forced into a sexuall act against your will, if you tell the other person you do not wish to participate in the sexuall act then it is rape, or you are held down a forced this is also sexuall rape, and female's can rape a male but its less common than a male to rape a femal

i hope this helped



So, even if your body responds to them but you don't want it too it's rape? I mean, cus if you really didn't want to your body wouldn't do what it does right? Like a guy has to be turned on to have sex doesn't he? But can your body be turned on without your brain wanting it to? Like, can your body do something your mind is screaming at it not to do?
Well if you dont want it to happen then its rape, your mind controls your body and if your brain doesn't want it to happen then it rape. the body responds in many ways without out even thinking about it, sometimes it happen naturally even if your mind doesn't want it to.

For example, someone's brain could be screaming at their body not to make them cut, they dont want to cut but their body makes them do it. sometimes men can get turned on with out even thinking of anything, its just a natural thing

would you like to explain your situation? you dont have to if you dont want to

vikki x


Some things have been happening n its kind of confused me. Like I know I didnt want to do it because I said so and my brain told me I didn't but my body thought different and so I was confused that maybe I did want to do it afterall and I've been feling really bad like I let it happen and stuff and then I thought that maybe you can get turned on without wanting to sometimes but I really didn't feel turned on any of the time so how come it happened? And how come it keeps happeneing? Like if I really hated it my body wouldn;t keep going against what I'm feeling right? So maybe I'm just a horrible, sicko person that did actually want it afterall. Sorry, I know this makes no sense really. I'm just tryin to get it straight in my head, whether it's like rape or just something else.
Your not a horrible person, well at least you dont seemone :hug:

If you said no then yes it is rape, you dont have to feel a sicko because your body responded to a 'stimulus' even if your mind didn't want it to, if you didn't want it to happen and you said no then it is rape, your body can react in many ways even if you dont want it to. If your body 'responded' in the way it did, it doesn't mean that deep down you wanted it to happen, you know that you didnt want it to happen even if your did body responded to what was happening


Well-Known Member
If you told this person no then it is rape. Sometimes bodies just respond that does not mean you wanted it to happen or that you are a bad person. There are just somethings that we can not control. There is NOTHING wrong with you and it NOT your fault. No one deserves to be raped. It sounds like this is still going on? Are you still being hurt by this person? Is there someone you can talk to? If you want someone to talk to I'm always here for you. I'm really sorry that you are being hurt. It is not your fault.


Ok. Thxs for your replies.

Oh man. This is so fucked up. It's not like I can go tell anyone tho is it? Like when they ask what happened and I say yeah we did it. More than onece. They'll all be like so you were turned on then? And I'll be like no way. Then they'll laugh and be all like are you gay or something? (not that thats wrong or anythin) But it's not like I don't like sex. I just don't like it with that person you know? It's gross. And it's gross that my body acts like I like it because I don't. My body is like betraying me I guess. I just wanna cut it off sometimes.

I gotta go. This is makin me wanna puke. Thxs for answerin me.


I'm not like, with them, with them if you know what I mean. I haven't chosen to be with them, not like a boyfriend/girlfriend thing. They live down the street from us. They're like old enough to be my parents. It's so gross. I don't get it. How can your body just go against everything you're feelin? It's like I can't even control my body so how can I control anything else?


SF & Antiquitie's Friend
Staff Alumni
Confused, this is abuse, how long has it been going on? What exactly is your relationship with these people?
Please pm me, you need to get help..


That's sort of why Im here cus I wanted to know if its rape or whatever cus I didn't know if a female could do it to a male like that cus if his body gets turned on or whatever I didnt think that anyone like the police would do anything. I dont want to tell the police and then like get laughed at or something.

They're like family friends I guess. My parents know them. We had a street barbeque last summer and it sort of started then cus we kissed after a dare but after the game she came round the back of the house and was like putting her tongue in my mouth which was pretty gross. And I guess it kind of went on from there. I didn't think it was rape or abuse or whatever cus of what happens and what I do even tho I don't like it and then I watched this programme and it kinda got me thinking that maybe it was something like that but I was kinda of confused cus she's a she and a guy and I didn't know if it could happen that way round.


I gotta go. It's pretty late. I just wanted someone to answer my question so thx. I guess you all know about sex and stuff more than me so if you say it is what it is then I should tell somone right? I just gotta figure out who.

anyway, thx for helpin.


Well-Known Member
Yes, this is very wrong what she is doing to you. Do you have someone you trust that you could talk to? It isn't your fault and you shouldn't be ashamed. I'm really worried about you. If you want to talk later I'll be here for you.
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