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Senior Member
You are such a fucking wanker i fucking hate you and i fucking wish you'd die the most horrible painful death for what you've done to us, this is all your fault, i was nine, NINE, when you fucking abandoned me, how the fuck did i know what was going on you useless ****.
I can't wait until the day you fucking die.
You are such a fucking wanker i fucking hate you and i fucking wish you'd die the most horrible painful death for what you've done to us, this is all your fault, i was nine, NINE, when you fucking abandoned me, how the fuck did i know what was going on you useless ****.
I can't wait until the day you fucking die.
I'm sorry hun, I didn't know...I knew you never talked aboutyour dad, but I never knew he did such an awful thing as that. Please don't take it personally he was probably just a selffesh arse.

If you ever need to talk about it I'm all ears........:hug: :hug:


I could proberbly say that about my own dad but hey its not gonna change the past, just hope it helped by getting that out :smile:

vikki x
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