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Dead Again

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Staff Alumni
Im overcome again, life just stands still, and ive got barely energy to type this up. wtf is wrong with me. I just sit here motionless, emotionless, staring at 4 walls. Nothing motivates me, nothing interests me for more than 30 minutes. Everythings a choir, and everythings a bore.

I might as well be dead, this aint living. Im starting to make myself feel physically sick just think about things. Why have never completed a fucking thing.

I feel like someone needs to put a stick of dynamite up my ass to get me moving...but moving for what, nothing motivates me, ive got no passion, no drive.

This sucks...I cant believe this, so many years and ive done nothing, achieved nothing. If it wasnt for my mother I dunno where id be...actually I do know, id be staring at the screen like I am now.

Should I just make really small goals and knock them over one by one...but fark im not even motivated to do that..I just cant be assed. Im thinking about quiting my last 2 days a week work because I just cant do it anymore, I dont care about sales, shit buy it or get out...I dont give it rats, give me my money and see you next week. Im not doing anyone any favours by staying, but If i leave...then we simply cant cover rent and food..not too mention credit card debts.

Endless boredom, endless fucking pointlessness.

Kill me now please.


Staff Alumni
Im trying to write down some simple goals to do over the next 90 days to keep my mind of it...I doubt it will work, but I have to do something. I cant keep having these episodes.


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
Ah Inertia, I know it well.

The feeling of being stuck to the chair while everything, even the simplest task, seems to be a marathon.

I cope with it by minutes. I make a cup of tea, then I find I have maybe lost an hour just sitting, but the minute i realise it I get up and doing something, maybe more tea, or talk to my parrots; last night I actually made the bed (haven't done it in weeks and oh boy was it gross). A small pleasure, getting into a clean bed, but it helped my mood.

Don't push too hard, just find pleasure in the little things.
Ah Inertia, I know it well.

Don't push too hard, just find pleasure in the little things.

Yeah, try and focus on good, good points, things that give pleassure and things that you want to be your goals.....you can do anything you are intelligent, I know you are! :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :handinhan

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