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December of the soul

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In a couple of hours i will kill myself.

This the most stupid thread ever :laugh:.. I wish i could describe how i'm feeling right now. Sooo i'm gonna make this short, i will kill myself tonight, i hope i'm the first one on this board to commit suicide. I'm a naive little fuck, i think things can change, since when the fuck does anything change? . I joined this board hoping that it would make me feel a little bit better.. Hehe, yeah well that didn't work.

It's very weird that i don't feel that horribly bad right now. I'm more suicidal then ever before, but i'm not even crying or anything.

I just hope that i don't wuss out.


please don't. things do change sometimes, even i have experienced that. tell me what's going on in your life...


SF & Antiquitie's Friend
Staff Alumni
Airbag, why not stay and talk to us, let us support you over the next hours and through the night....
You are, I am sure at your most suicidal ever, how do I know this? well its because I have been there, I have felt the deadly calm of knowing, this is it...... but thanks to my friends on SF, I am still here and not only am I still here, I am much, much better than I ever would have thought possible.

So there is hope for a better future, please don't give up Airbag, don't let the depression win, you CAN feel better.

Stay safe Hazel x


Staff Alumni
Airbag...this is the time when you have to reach deep and affirm that you deserve a better life and go seek it...there are many good services out there (therapy, pdoc, etc.) which you need to access...please PM someone and see what is available to you...hope you stay with us and stay safe...we truly care...big hugs, Jackie


Well-Known Member
Airbag what are the thing's that bother you the most?See if you can write down everything if it mean's that.I know how hard it is as does everyone else on these forum's,we can do our best to get to the core of the problem.
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