Hello everyone, I'm back. I am 16 years old and I have depression. I am feeling really down as of lately and have not been able to leave the house or go to school. I was with this girl and things were wonderful between us, and then a couple nights ago she brought up that she was leaving for college in a year, most likely out of state and so we started talking about it. She is 18 and a senior and I'm a sophmore. So we kinda started fighting about it and then we broke up. We still like each other but she feels it is best that we don't get even more attached because if we do we will only end up hurting ourselves more when she has to leave, I don't know what I feel is best. I can't stop crying over knowing shes gone when we still like each other. I really could see spending the rest of my life with her. I feel as though I deserve this pain for some reason. I want her so badly. I havn't been eating much and havn't felt hungry lately. I also skipped taking my anti-depressants a couple days. I don't want to go to school because I'll have to see her and it will hurt and yet I want to see her and hold her again. And I also want to see my friends but then of course theres all that work I missed, and the pressure of my entire future from success in high school. I am also sick of just sitting around at home having these thoughts run trhough me day in and day out. They are relentless in making me feel worse. I don't have a councilor, I did but he died a couple months ago. What should I do? I'm so lost, so confused, please help me. Thanks to anyone that even bothers to read all this.