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Depression's kickin' Back Again No advice needed

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stuck in place yet again
Depression's kickin', back again,
Depression's kickin', back again,
stepping back, in shallowww water,
drowning back, into the deep,
Sinking,sinking, down,
drownin in away,
dragging others with,
snapping again,
an' losin cool,
going back to me again,
going back to me again,
Sometimes I'm happy,
but most of the times I'm not,
going back to me again,
Like this,
Depression's Kicking Back,
all thee timmme.


Childless Cat Lady™ (in drag)
SF Supporter
Depression's kickin', back again,
Depression's kickin', back again,
stepping back, in shallowww water,
drowning back, into the deep,
Sinking,sinking, down,
drownin in away,
dragging others with,
snapping again,
an' losin cool,
going back to me again,
going back to me again,
Sometimes I'm happy,
but most of the times I'm not,
going back to me again,
Like this,
Depression's Kicking Back,
all thee timmme.
Sorry to hear it..
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