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Well-Known Member
I have decided that today is going to be my last day on this earth. Its my last day at high school, I finish 6th form. It works well because it means I can enjoy this last day, and have a good day for the first time in a long time. It also means that I can say goodbye and hug all of my school friends, like I would normally do on a last day, but it has a double meaning, and when i get upset at the end of the day, no-one will ask questions. I am done.
Donna, thank you for starting a friendship with me, same to you Emma.
Take care guys, this is a really good forum.


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
You have so much as far as friends go.. So why would you want to end it.. You obviously are a social person.. You are taking the wrong path.. Have you weighed out your options.. Stay with us..You have friends here also..


Long Time SFer
Staff Alumni
no you cant go please dont do this please theres other ways please keep fighting i no you can please dont give up please :hug: things will get better please keep talking to us its gana be ok hun
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