Did you know..? (trigger warning)


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Did you know old people ramble when they’re at the end? I just learned some cultures, seniors ramble about life closure before they die. Superstitions says, “if they do that, it just means that death is near.” But then again, they can’t predict that. I am sorry but it just is so scary, I saw how my grandpa do it. He normally toss and turns around his bed because of his aches and pains, when talks about his past, he didn’t move at all and all so emotionless. So scary. It has been happening now and then?.... He has been rambling thinking that he’s in taxi and worrying, whether or not he has finished paying his bills. but he’s actually in bed.....????
I just wants lots of prayers in this, thanks you. 💖

Scary af. O____O
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