I have been looking over this site for a few days now, and it appears that the people here don't really get enough help with their problems.
It seems like people here try a little bit, but aren't getting through at all, it looks like there just isn't enough help here for me, and many other people.
In all posts that i've seen where someone says they are going to commit suicide, the other members just say "I'll miss you!" or "Please don't." and thats about it.
Can someone prove me wrong, and show me that everyone here really cares that i feel like commiting suicide, that my mom is in denial about it, so she wont do shit for me about it.That my brother encourages me to commit suicide, and actually said that if i commit suicide, he wants to give me the gun i shoot myself with.Does anyone truly care that my dad doesn't give a shit about my emotions, he just wants me to live at his house as revenge against my mom for divorcing him and sueing him 63 times for bogus charges.Does any one really care that my step mom doesnt want me to be suicidal, but doesnt have enough say in the family to do shit about it, except talk.
Does any one here truly care?
It seems like people here try a little bit, but aren't getting through at all, it looks like there just isn't enough help here for me, and many other people.
In all posts that i've seen where someone says they are going to commit suicide, the other members just say "I'll miss you!" or "Please don't." and thats about it.
Can someone prove me wrong, and show me that everyone here really cares that i feel like commiting suicide, that my mom is in denial about it, so she wont do shit for me about it.That my brother encourages me to commit suicide, and actually said that if i commit suicide, he wants to give me the gun i shoot myself with.Does anyone truly care that my dad doesn't give a shit about my emotions, he just wants me to live at his house as revenge against my mom for divorcing him and sueing him 63 times for bogus charges.Does any one really care that my step mom doesnt want me to be suicidal, but doesnt have enough say in the family to do shit about it, except talk.
Does any one here truly care?