Practical Advice Does confidentiality apply if you change your mind?

Like, if I have a plan and intent, I know that if I share that information with my therapist, it won't be confidential. My question is, if I have a plan and intent, and then I change my mind, and I share that with my therapist after changing my mind, is that confidential or not?


Well-Known Member
Your therapist should only break patient-doctor confidentiality if they believe you, or someone else, is in immediate danger. Therefore, I would suggest, if you tell your therapist you had an intent to kill yourself in the past, but you don't anymore, they wouldn't have to break patient-doctor confidentiality.

I would recommend you be as honest as possible with your therapist. Sending hugs *brohug.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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I was not safe regarding confidentiality about 10 years ago after I changed my mind, Everything was revealed to a member of my family by the (horrible, rude, uncaring) psychiatrist, even things that were very personal to me and nothing to do with my safety. I was so livid, embarrassed, I was just so happy I didn't share that 1 thing I was going to as there was zero confidentiality and ever since I find it hard to trust so I make sure I have it in writing what is confidential and what is not.


Of dust and shadows
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@KindaOtiose has called it spot on regarding the rules of confidentiality, Esther. Only if in their opinion that you would possess a risk to yourself or others, then your psychiatrist or any other health professional for that matter would consider making a disclosure without your consent.

As a suggestion, letting your psychiatrist know that you did once plan in the past would help him to build up a clearer picture and so hopefully be able to offer you better guidance.
It might be necessary to add that applicable law is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Your question might be answered one way or the other, depending on the jurisdiction you reside in.

For example, in Switzerland, according to criminal procedure/law, a psychiatrist might break confidentiality, if he get an approval from a superior agency. (no immediate danger to self or otherse required.)

Edit: sorry that this wasnt that helpful to answering your question.

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