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dont reply

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Leave me freaking alone! I mean come ON, i need some space!!!!!! I just had a crappy day as usual and I want to be alone, and so what do you do? you come into my room and refuse to leave me alone!! I want space and privacy, i mean i shut the door even, so isnt it obvious enough already?!! go away! leave me alone! I need to be alone.


Well-Known Member
God I fucking hate it when people cannot pick up on your hints of... I want you to go away.... Even worse when they try and guilt trip you.

Oh and I replied:tongue:


Hey TDM.
Im gonna refuse to not reply.

I take it this is a family member of yours.
Shame they dont pick up what you are trying to say and dont leave you alone.

Hope you are ok now though, love yah,
Hmmm.... didnt work.... was *hoping* for no replies but oh well haha. Maybe next time I should say 'please reply' and see if that gets no replies haha. The piano finals arent until the tenth of August... they got moved, its less than a week away so I'm nervous.



Well-Known Member
thedeafmusician said:
Hmmm.... didnt work.... was *hoping* for no replies but oh well haha. Maybe next time I should say 'please reply' and see if that gets no replies haha. The piano finals arent until the tenth of August... they got moved, its less than a week away so I'm nervous.

Meh i find that some topics go on with no replies and some don't you really cannot know for sure.
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