This isn't exactly suicide related but it is a curiosity to me. Every since I was about 13 I've had a reoccuring dream. In the dream I'm about 5 or 6 and I'm playing in the yard outside. My mom is in the house washing dishes by the window. I can see her keeping an eye on me and it makes me feel safe. After a few moments I hear her scream and dishes breaking. I run into the house and she is gone. I look all around, but can't find her. I notice that the basement door is open slightly so I go in. At the bottom of the stairs is a long hallway that goes left and right. It looks like a missile silo or some sort of underground military base. I look to my right and there is a guy coming toward me. He is a long way off, but I can still see that he is carrying something in his hand. He is dressed all in black with long black hair. I start running to the left in a panic, but no matter how fast or far I run he still catches up to me. He finally grabs my shoulder and I turn around and he's holding a long knife. Now this is what confuses me. I stopped having this dream when I was about 19 (I'm 25 now). A few months ago I started having them again. When I was young I couldn't see his face, but now I can. When I turn around I'm looking at my own face but older (me at 5 looking into my 25 yo face). If anybody has any thoughts on this I would be very interested to hear them. I just don't have a clue.