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Well-Known Member
i have been having lots of dreams in which i get raped. and they are very vivid. and from what i have heard and read they are similiar to what it is like to be raped. yet i have never been sexually abused in any way. i feel violated though. i feel like i have been raped, but i haven't. and this confuses me... does anyone have any insight on this?



Staff Alumni
sorry your r having these dreams

dreams as a whole can be the expression of fears... the reliving of events .. the mind filing away infomation..... and some times memories that have been repressed.... a therapist will be able to help you figure it out .. r u seeing someone....


Well-Known Member
i am not seeing a certified counselor, but i am seeing someone who is very good at talking to people and stuff... and i don't know if they are really repressed memories..... i hope that they are not, judging on the many times that i have had them.... one in particular was where a really good friend of mine, who happens to be a boy was raping me.... but that one couldn't be real, could it? i mean.... we didn't even kiss.... i hope that i can figure it out sometime... thanks for replying... i really needed some insight on them.


Staff Alumni
well off hand ...

a dream where a "trusted individual" harms you it could mean you have issues with trus... or fear of being harmed by someone you trust... could be you r worried with going "to the next step" ... you know bf and gf....

dreams .. it is important to remembet often mean NOTHING of the dream itself...

like they say dreaming of death means someone will be born... not that dreams or opposites ... but they r very .. mysterious... and oftem surprising

felll free to pm me any time... i am no way an expert but my therapist and i have worked on some of mine...

hugs.. and hopes


Well-Known Member
I read a book half way through about interpreting dreams, so that makes me an expert, right?

Well anyway, I've read that sex dreams often aren't really about sex...but then again, rape isn't about sex, it's about power. allofme has a good point about the trust. Who does the person in the dream who is raping you remind you of in your real life? Maybe whoever it is in the dream is telling you don't trust them as much as you lead yourself to believe. Or maybe this person is somehow dominant over you, a boss or supervisor, so that domination in your dream is relived by you being raped. Maybe you are being dominant over another person and are feeling guilty about it. Just some theories. i would think about things like what you feel guilty about since you've had these dreams, someone who has done something bad to you that may cause you to feel dominated...something along those lines maybe.

Who knows, dreams are weird and I don't think we'll ever fully understand them.


Well-Known Member
one time in the dreams it was a close friend of mine who is a guy... and he was the one raping me.... i remember seeing the face.... this guy is one that i had liked, but he was my friend and i didn't want to spoil our friendship, so i kept it quiet, and then he held my hand..... and.... then he held it again and again.... three times.... all for very innocent reasons.... but still.... i didn't know how to feel about him... then i found out that he had made out with my roommate who also liked him.... and then i just kind of backed away.... i guess i did feel betrayed.... and.. yeah....
that could be part of it.... but that was only one dream... . they are different almost every time they come....
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