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Equal *religious discussion*

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Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say this. If one side is allowed the other should be too. If we allow one religion and one ideal then we have to allow them all right. The opposite of Christianity would be Satanism however that would not be allowed because there are so many lies about what it really is. I am not a Satanist but one of the nicest most caring men I know is and I agree with alot he believes.



Sadly, world opinion looks down upon those who call themselves Satanists. Satanists are often associated with animal sacrifice, mutilation and desecration of churchs. Most people who attempt such 'rituals' are nothing more than hypocritical christians: because Satanism is not about devil worship: it is the epitome of human indepedence from organized religion.

But Mia is correct: If one side can be represented, than so should other views and idealogies

That's my two cents.


Account Closed
what a new way of defining. god created saton. he was the most beautiful angel musicly gifted in divine. he did not agree with serving god in his briliance. he evev convienced a followin with him they where all booted outta heavon for for the almighty god clarified his position to him. so i am sayin that they are of the same religional story.


i think religion is a choice that people should not be judged for. i am not religious per se but im very spirtual. religion is something that can benefit many people. its set up for people to grow and learn through the word of god.no religion is wrong because in the end it all goes back to the one and only. and one word love. satan is a entity that feeds off negativity. he whispers in our ear when we are weak and tells us we arent good enough and that we should just kill ourselves. we listen to the lies because it sounds so true. don't give in to the temptation of the devil when our reward is so much greater than the pain we experience on earth. but in due time will we reap the rewards of our labor


Well-Known Member
Please don't mess up my thread. This is about respect and equal rights and I would like it to stay that way. Equal rights is the topic. Not judgement on others views. Thank you.

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Staff Alumni
Mia i agree with u, i think if someone gives one point of view it is always good to have others, even if the two opinions differ, the owners of those opinion should respect each other for being brave enough to state their view, it isnt just with religiuos view but other things too, for example, i think theres a law in the UK that says around election time a person standing for election cannot go on the radio or TV with out an equal amount of time being given to all their opponants

the problem comes on places like this when someone gives a view and there isnt anyone esle to give another point of view, there can also be conflict on this site bcos of the nature of the site, some views will go against the rules and can be un supportive, while i dont have to like the ppl with such views it doesnt mean theyre not intitled to their view, its just not whats needed here

i think if i unmuddle my thoughts what im trying to say is i do think its a good thing to have as many points of view as possible but its not always appt., theres a time and a place for some things and ppl should have the self control and tact to know what is too much



It doesnt take much for others to misinterpret what others believe or say, and religion is a touchy subject. Equal Rights is essential in total representation of EVERYONE, but its difficult because many are easily offended.


Well-Known Member
cyesisdemorte said:
It doesnt take much for others to misinterpret what others believe or say, and religion is a touchy subject. Equal Rights is essential in total representation of EVERYONE, but its difficult because many are easily offended.
Wise words. That is what I am hoping for here. That we can learn to accept others for the views they hold and not try to change them for what we feel is better. When someone does that to me it is very triggering as I am sure it is for others as well. After all love and acceptance is a far greater thing don't you think?



i accept what people have to say and try to hear there side without judgement, what i feel isn't neccessarily what others do and i do respect that. religion is a touchy subject that i feel for myself needs no words from me so i apologize if i have offeneded anyone that was not my intentions. everyone has a right to believe what they believe, i will not speak of this matter from here on out my sincere apologies to everyone i might of offended.


Dont apologize, it was a simple mistake Oskey. You are openly entitled to your beliefs, yet we would like to keep this thread as neutral as possible.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mia said:
I just wanted to say this. If one side is allowed the other should be too. If we allow one religion and one ideal then we have to allow them all right. The opposite of Christianity would be Satanism however that would not be allowed because there are so many lies about what it really is. I am not a Satanist but one of the nicest most caring men I know is and I agree with alot he believes.


...... ok first of all, im a satanist, and its not really the opposite of Christianity, we dont really worship the devil, we take Satan as more of a sign of indulgence than an actual horned demon down in hell. i guess you could say its the opposite though because all of the Christian sins are allowed, becuase they are really just the basic instincts of animals. its human nature to be jealous, proud, and greedy. so i believe that it shouldnt be considered sinful


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I probabaly should have said devil worshipers as I know satanist and devil worshipers are not the same thing although many assume they are. My friend showed me the site you have in your signature so I've read most of it. I think that most Christians would consider anything to do with Satan the enemy and thus the opposite. But this is what I like to see is people educating people on differences so we can have more respect for each other.



Often Devil Worship is a pallate that others (often the intolerant) apply to those of us with differing opinions on human pleasure and hellenistic perceptions. Many of us Satanists do not view Christianity as a religion of mockery or lies, but rather as a differing approach to being 'content.' Granted, drawing us out into a religious debate is most unwise :rofl:

All we are saying, is give tolerance a chance :rofl: (hope Lennon's ghost doesnt sue me :rolleyes:


i agree, the christian chruch has basically brainwashed all christias into thinking that anyone who thinks differently then them is wrong and is going to suffer when they die. i think they need to be more open minded and i agree with the orignal post that everyone should have equal rights.


unfortunately, the Christian Church has a monopoly on members and feel no need to be 'tolerant' when the overwhelming majority of the planet follows their beliefs.

Its like with any belief or ideal, you may think its right and the greatest damn thing since toast but everyone else doesnt agree, but when you have the power and influence to change other's minds, whats stopping you from saying the most banal or offending things?

I had a good friend, a baptist, who literally lambasted me because she believes I worship a 'physical, incarnate satan.' She tells me I'm going to burn in perdition and suffer for eternity. Its that kind of smug 'holier than thou' that should be done away with, or kept personal.


Staff Alumni
while i agree with a lot of whats being said can we please be careful this doesnt turn into a christian bashing thread, remember, not everyone acts the same as everyone else in their religion



No one is 'bashing' Christianity, facts are simply facts.

And I do apologize if what I said was interpreted as 'bashing.'


we arent trying to be christion bashing we are just saying that the christian community needs to be more open to reason about religion


Staff Alumni
i didnt mean i thought u were, just be careful this thread doesnt go that way,i just wanted to say incase, it wasnt aimed at u :smile:
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