Ever feel you're in the wrong time period?

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Banned Member
I was born in '94, and have grown up through the 2000s.

Now I mean no disrespect to my generation, but it stinks. My generation has fucked up more than any other generation collectively has IMO. I hate everything of the past decade, the films, the fashion, and especially the music. I much would've preferred to have grown up during the eighties which I identify with massively. I love eighties culture such as the films, the fashion, the television, the musc - everything about that decade resonates with me in a pretty big way. Everytime I look at a product of the eighties, I'm reminded of how much I would have loved to been there at the time - because that would've been my time. :smile-new:

Anyone else feel this way?


Antiquitie's Friend
yeah all the time, brian wilson has a good song called " i just wasnt made for these times"
i'm sure i was born 20 years too late.


Well-Known Member
I was a teen in the 80s, I loved it. One thing I like about current generation is better video games and better computer technologies such as spotify, youtube, ipads, ipods, iphones etc.
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