ever met anyone from this site?

i only ask as i did.

im here in the miserable wet, cold uk and he came from canada.

ok so its a story to tell the grandkids 'how we met' but it really has worked for us.

we have been together for 2 years almost, hes seen me through some real bad times, we have grown together.

we live together now here in the uk, ok it aint perfect, life isnt perfect but he makes me smile. even when im at my lowest ebb and im feeling really bad,, he can put a smile on my face.

if it wasnt for this place who knows how things would have turned out. im really glad i met him and we are planning to get married in the next 18 months.

just wanted to share!

" i do not endorse meeting strangers off the internet without taking proper precortions"


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Awww, im glad things worked out for you :hug:

I haven't met anyone from here but would love to :hug:


Well-Known Member
i havent met anyone from this site YET lol but if all goes to plan then by the end of january i will have met a few people pf this site!!


Well-Known Member
I've met a couple of people off here irl. And dated 2 people off here, sadly it didn't work out, but we're stil best of friends so thats all good.


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I want to meet anyone from this site.
I KNOW I will meet Lynn one day.
I hope to meet Lexi, Lena, Sarah :wub:
I really would love to meet any/all of the staff :smile:, hopefully at a meet-up or something.

Off-topic kind of. I met someone while I was an inpatient in the hospital and ended up living with her for a month.
I met someone in DBT therapy and we had sex, I ended up getting kicked out of the program a few days early. That was not a good idea.

I've met plenty of people through other online sites. Made great friendships here, on MySpace, on Facebook :smile:. I think you can have very real connections on the internet and I can't wait for the New England SF meet-up!!! :D


Well-Known Member
im here in the miserable wet, cold uk and he came from canada.
I had nearly the exact the situation going on. According to the plan we had about 3 weeks ago, I was supposed to be with her right now, probably cuddling her in our hotel room...

She subsequently met another guy and isn't talking to me. I'm cuddling a knife.


Well i met up with the lot at the london meet (abacus, i'm nothing, vikki, ..sam.., fisch, robin, hazel, spikey, resistance, nuri, dunraven etc) and i also used to go see Lexi a couple of times a month and frizzii a few times


I met two friends of mine from this site, in person, and I've dated a few other people whom I've met from this site, online dating sort-of thing, two of whom I was suppose to meet in person, but didn't. One of the two girlfriends whom I was suppose to meet, the first one, I miss very much.

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