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Exercise club


Retired Cat Staff
SF Supporter
My procrastinator finally confirmed the meeting today meaning a commute for one face to face meeting. I made the most of it by bringing my running kit and did my first run of the year from the office (normally too cold and dark to be running along canal paths!). Ran out of the city along the old canal network then headed back in - easier back in as the city is sort of in a bowl, so I pass a lot of narrowboat locks along the canal. Even saw some boats today. And lots of geese. Soon be goslings! Enjoyed my 6.5 miles, steady pace and didn't fall in the canal which is always good 😂 Only downside is I forgot my watch connector thinggy so I can't sync to strava - will see how I did when I get home. Running in the city is weird due to the skyscrapers - my city runs always start off recorded as 6 minute miles for about half a mile but it's just dodgy data from the GPS!


🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro

I remember you posting when they closed it. Spring is here already! Happy for you, enjoy your laps and aerobics 😀
Thank you...yes it is amazing how we each seem to have that one exercise that is good for our soul so to speak...for some running, some hiking, some yoga, and some like me swimming....


Retired Cat Staff
SF Supporter
Had a bit of spare time so did a relaxed little 3.5 mile run along the canals again. Made sure I stashed a spare lead for my running watch in the office. Will next stash some towels, running shoes and underwear so I'm not carrying them in all the time. Sure helps having posh showers in my office building - a true perk as I can just get out and run between meetings and other work. Will be much better when the clocks go forward and have evenings to play with!


meandering home
SF Supporter
It was nice yesterday but there was an arctic breeze that froze me every so often - warm in the sunlight though!
It was just like that here as well. The moment I stopped running the sweaty clothes were so cold! You're lucky -- a nice track along a canal with no cars. Well done adding in a relaxed run. If you're happy with your watch, what sort is it if I may ask.


Retired Cat Staff
SF Supporter
It was just like that here as well. The moment I stopped running the sweaty clothes were so cold! You're lucky -- a nice track along a canal with no cars. Well done adding in a relaxed run. If you're happy with your watch, what sort is it if I may ask.
No cars but some demon bikers and strange people! I use a Garmin forerunner 45, always get the basic Garmin models as I just want something that tells me how far I've run and at what pace. This now monitors my heart rate and sleep which is handy. I turned off getting text messages on it 😂


meandering home
SF Supporter
Thanks @AvidFan keep safe out there! Lots of bike riders here. I stay completely away from the mountain bikes on 'their' trails. It's good that some parks have designated places for them.
I'll see if the 45 is available; the simpler the better.


🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro
So managed to get into suit (just avoided any and all mirrors) for water aerobics and this morning feeling reservedly optimistic about first lap swims this morning after 4 months of pool being closed for winter...just waiting for it to get above 50 F...


meandering home
SF Supporter
as it turned out, my run was in the midst of the tail end of a rainstorm lol. Air was sweet though. Cut it short to a 5k in the neighborhoods. One nice thing: I saw and heard a red-tailed hawk hunting in a little wetland area. <3


🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro
Well done! on the suit, and avoidiance of mirrors, a brave and noble @Kiwi2016 are you. Are you kiddig or serious about getting into a pool that's <50ºF?
Yes the getting in is worse than tights alas....oh no no.... air temp is 50 F not pool temp... though reminded me of one of my favorite books about the cold water swimmer --- Swimming to Antarctica by Lynne Cox...


meandering home
SF Supporter
Yes the getting in is worse than tights alas....oh no no.... air temp is 50 F not pool temp... though reminded me of one of my favorite books about the cold water swimmer --- Swimming to Antarctica by Lynne Cox...
I may have read a (?) New Yorker article about Lynne Cox a while back. I love reading so I'll look for that book; thanks for mentioning it.

I'm glad you're swimming in warm water, and, hopefully have fluffy warm towels immediately available! :)


🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro
I may have read a (?) New Yorker article about Lynne Cox a while back. I love reading so I'll look for that book; thanks for mentioning it.

I'm glad you're swimming in warm water, and, hopefully have fluffy warm towels immediately available! :)
Yes admit one of my favorites. And admit had briefly considered swimming when they turned off the heat in the pool e.g. getting a wetsuit...lol. Luckily the sun helps warm the towels...:)


Retired Cat Staff
SF Supporter
I did a nice 5 mile run today. Definitely getting fitter, I went up the hill I normally do at 15 minute mile pace and my watch had me at 12.30 minute mile pace, was going noticeably quicker, and when I got back my app said I'd done my second fastest ever time (well, my second fastest since I got Strava - but still the second fastest since 2014!), not bad having aged 10 years in the meantime. Happy with that!

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