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Family wedding


Well-Known Member
I hate weddings. I am being pressured to attend my niece's I do NOT want to go. I have very little family and know I will be completely disowned if I don't go. I am all alone as it is. It's less than two months away and I am overwhelmed. The cost ( clothes to wear and gift) is really a hardship. I only have a few items of clothing and they're not suitable for anything more than going to a movie. I hate myself. I hate weddings. I do not want to go. Either way, I'm screwed. My only absolute way out is to die beforehand.
I'm sorry you're feeling so much pressure about the wedding.

I have some thoughts about how you could handle this that I could share if you'd like, but it's ok if you don't want that.

I hope everything will work out ok.

It might help to explain in advance to your family that you won't be able to afford special clothes. Then they can either accept that, or help you financially.

Usually there's a wedding, followed by a reception. You might be able to get away with just making an appearance at part of one or both. Like maybe even show up late to the wedding, congratulate the bride and groom, and then leave. It might be enough.

I'm not sure if you can work out ahead of time how much actual face time you'll be expected to have, but that might be enough.

Hopefully there's some sort of balance where you won't be disowned but you also won't be putting much stress on yourself.
I don't know your family dynamics well enough to know who, if anyone, could be reliable to talk to about this. Maybe your niece herself, or maybe your niece's parents. Maybe another family member?

If you've got things prearranged with someone, and the problems are understood, that would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
The options are either don't go and damage any relationship beyond repair, or go and suffer.
I was nearly homeless several years ago and got no help. I'm not asking for help with clothing. Appreciate your suggestions but no one gets it and no one will. They don't have the capacity to understand.


Well-Known Member
Who is putting pressure on you?
if you want to talk more about this, we will listen. It’s ok if you don’t.
Brother -- father of the bride. My other brother is pushing me as well. Parents are dead, I'm single , and don't have close friends.
I don't want to distract from my niece's day with suicide. If I don't go and do it after, there's no one to take care of my final arrangements. They don't understand.


Because most of our side of the family is dead and my sister in law (his wife) will have a lot of family that will be there. They have a vastly extended family and are all close.
it sounds like he wants you to be there because you are important to him/them.
I am sorry you are hurting & scared. I saw you’re feeling unsafe. We want you to be safe. You are important.


Just thinking about it has been exhausting.
I believe it. I hate when my brain decides to go into overdrive.
Ultimately, you have to do what’s best for you. A gift isn’t why they want you there.
if you decide you will go (if like me) you’ll need to practice quieting the noise in your head. Have you done any dbt?
I am sorry you are struggling.
it’s ok to take care of you. *thumbsup


Well-Known Member
I'm working right now and my aunt calls me and yells at me because my brother told her I wasn't going. I did NOT say that. I have a text from almost two weeks ago where I told him I was able to get the day off, unless work changed something, but I don't believe they will. Just to be clear that although I don't want to go, I NEVER told him that. People are yelling at me and I didn't do anything. It just makes it harder.


I'm working right now and my aunt calls me and yells at me because my brother told her I wasn't going. I did NOT say that. I have a text from almost two weeks ago where I told him I was able to get the day off, unless work changed something, but I don't believe they will. Just to be clear that although I don't want to go, I NEVER told him that. People are yelling at me and I didn't do anything. It just makes it harder.
I am sorry everything is so hard.


Black sheep of my family....
Turn it around. Tell them you would come - but you have no transport, no money for transport and no money for appropriate clothing and gifts. So they can pick you up and buy you new stuff. You really think they will do this? You said - you are alone, and you like it like that. So, whats to worry about. Its a clear decision. Me too, I like being alone,


Well-Known Member
I saw my niece yesterday for about 10 minutes. She had her bridal shower and I was unable to attend. It's ok because I would have felt overwhelmed. But I looked at her and was so sad that I had tears streaming down my face. I haven't spent one on one time with her since I took her trick or treating when she was 12. She will be 25 this month. Everyone is clueless as to how much I have been excluded and she just looked at me and seemed to suddenly recognize that I was in pain. (I'm not mad.)

I am so sad that I cannot live up to the standards of my own family. I don't have clothes to wear to the wedding. I can't afford anything. They're spending tens of thousands of dollars on a wedding and honeymoon and their new life is set to start. I never had a start. I've always struggled. I don't know what it's like to be loved and have a future. I don't mean marriage necessarily. I just have one struggle after another. I hate to use the phrase it's not fair, but it isn't. I want to wish her well but don't think I can handle the wedding.

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