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Antiquitie's Friend
This is going to sound really screwed up and people are probably going to think I'm joking but do you ever think your future can be revealed to you...
When I was going through puberty I had some really strange dreams, dreams that showed me about my life, how I was going to live it and how I was going to end up. For example I dreamt that the first girl I went out with would kill herself, so for years I didn't go out with anyone, and when I did she killed herself. I'm not saying this is anything supernatural it's what psychologists call a self fulfilling prophecy I guess. But I know I won't get married, and I know I won't have kids and I know how I'll kill myself and I don't want my life to turn out like this but I can't stop it. Those stupid dreams I had as a kid are my destiny. I'd like to think someone else has felt this way but I just suspect I'm more screwed up than I can imagine.


I've had predictive dreams like this too for very significant events in my life.
It was only in retrospect that I realized to my surprise that a dream I had months ago perfectly described exactly what happened. Nowadays I try to analyze every dream I have, but all the significant events have already passed me by so I doubt anything interesting will come up in the future.

This illustrates the point that it's impossible to avoid experiencing the results of your past actions [karma] The actions you perform each day will determine your future lives. So moral discipline is essential.

This is going to sound really screwed up and people are probably going to think I'm joking but do you ever think your future can be revealed to you...
When I was going through puberty I had some really strange dreams, dreams that showed me about my life, how I was going to live it and how I was going to end up. For example I dreamt that the first girl I went out with would kill herself, so for years I didn't go out with anyone, and when I did she killed herself. I'm not saying this is anything supernatural it's what psychologists call a self fulfilling prophecy I guess. But I know I won't get married, and I know I won't have kids and I know how I'll kill myself and I don't want my life to turn out like this but I can't stop it. Those stupid dreams I had as a kid are my destiny. I'd like to think someone else has felt this way but I just suspect I'm more screwed up than I can imagine.


Antiquitie's Friend
Here's another strange but true story. When I was at University a guy came up to me and told me that God had revealed to him that I was going to be his best friend... so I ran off as you do. Anyway later we met up again and became best friends. He then later told me that God had also revealed to him that he would die in 3 years time. I didn't think much of it. Anyway he'd never been abroad so we decided to go round Europe together, he was so happy and excited but then say things like "it's a pity I've only got 1 year, 3 months and 6 days left". In the end he wrote to me to thank me and said that God had truly blessed him. Then his time ran out and he killed himself.

The reason I'm saying these things is 'cos these are events that have really affected me and I've never been able to talk to anyone about them cos they just sound so crazy. I kind of hoped someone would just tell me what the hell is going on. I want to understand why shit like this happens and what I'm meant to learn from it and why God/Fate/The Universe tells people they have to kill themselves. But perhaps that's not to be. Maybe we can never understand other people and we can never understand ourselves.
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