feeling useless

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Active Member
im 18 and all i do everyday is stay in the house all day, i don't go to collage because i'm scared to meet new people and sometimes i wish i could get away from this.


Well-Known Member
Noodle, you just said what you need to do.

Be happy that you know whats wrong and you can make that change.

Get out, sign up for 1 class at a time, maybe go speak to the guidance counselor, she/he will set you up with someone so you dont feel so alone the first day. They can show you around and introduce you to others.

Why not give it a chance?


Active Member
Noodle, you just said what you need to do.

Be happy that you know whats wrong and you can make that change.

Get out, sign up for 1 class at a time, maybe go speak to the guidance counselor, she/he will set you up with someone so you dont feel so alone the first day. They can show you around and introduce you to others.

Why not give it a chance?
i don't want to though :/ thats the problem.


Well-Known Member
im 18 and all i do everyday is stay in the house all day, i don't go to collage because i'm scared to meet new people and sometimes i wish i could get away from this.
Oh, I have a really bad social phobia so I know what that's like. Why is it making you feel so useless?


Active Member
^^^^ Yep agreed.

If not college, then whats something youve always wanted to do but couldnt bc of your phobia?
The problem is i don't want to go to collage, but i do want to do i feel i might have a job one day, but doesn't look likely, everything makes me feel guilty because my mom works her butt off for me, but i don't give her anything in return except i blank her out and pretend she isn't there.

This house is my bubble, i feel safe and secure, take me out of there and i feel in danger.


Active Member
Well, It's for the best to do something that you want to do other than forcing yourself into something you don't want to do. You don't have to be useful. Just try to be happy.
there is nothing i want to do though except stay in my house all the time.


Active Member
I wonder if there is any medication for social phobia... I've never heard of any.
I'm sorry that I haven't been helpful.
its not your fault

funny enough i had a dream of this girl i've liked for a while and in the dream i felt confident and happy and was talking to her, sadly i woke up at 4pm and i didn't even feel like living.


Well-Known Member
its not your fault

funny enough i had a dream of this girl i've liked for a while and in the dream i felt confident and happy and was talking to her, sadly i woke up at 4pm and i didn't even feel like living.
The brain is so incredible. Your mindset just needs adjusting from negative to positive. This does take a while. It does happen to the vast majority of people.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Medication can help you with your social phobia Therapy can also help you get over this phobia There are a lot of people who have been treated and live a normal life now. Talk to doctor and get on meds get treatment and get living again


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
Hey Noodle, I well relate to you.. I have isolated myself for over twenty years..I stay in my bedroom..I live with my sister and hardly talk to her..I have found therapy helps.. I am able to get out in the mornings..But once people are getting out and filling up the stores it's time for me to go home..I always make my Dr. appointments for first thing in the morning so I don't have to wait in the lobby with a bunch of people..I hope you seek help for your agoriphobia..Take care!!
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