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Food For Thought


It’s not the amount of money we have,
Or how many acres we own.
It’s not the mansions we live in
That spells success in our home.

It’s the little things we do each day,
The kind words that are spoken.
It’s helping those who are down and out,
And healing hearts that are broken.

It’s doing any job as best we can.
It’s the loving and giving in life.
It’s the keeping our eye on higher things
And our chins up in every strife.

So, if you’re the kind that wants to succeed,
Make sure you help souls in distress.
A life that is clean, a heart that is true,
Doing our best, at all times,
That alone is true success.

How much better we left our world
Than we once found it,
And the efforts we made to achieve this,
That alone is what counts when,
At the end of our present lifetime,
We once more stand before ourselves,
In the spirit world.

Stripped of everything that belongs to the Earth,
We assess our performance so far.
Everything we have done in all our lifetimes
Up to that point,
Are placed into the scales of Divine justice.
Material success on its own
Brings no spiritual progress and
When weighed in these scales,
It is found wanting.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
• ‘There Is No Judgement Day’


From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’


* * *
The Power Of The Real You

The Age of Aquarius has been with us
For quite some time by now.
That’s why it is becoming ever more widely known that
It is the age of truth which has been in preparation for a long time
When the truth from the Highest levels of life will gradually flowing
Into the hearts and minds of those you are ready to
Receive and understand it, so that
Eventually, it will be reaching all who,
At any given time, are attending the lessons
Of the earthly school of life.
Because of this, nobody will soon be able to
Hide the truth behind our world’s present state
From common view and knowledge.

The Aquarian age is also the age of
Friendship and siblinghood with any kind of
Manifestation of life everywhere
In the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet.
With this the time has come for renewing
All our relationships, especially the most difficult ones.
First in line is the one with ourselves and also
With our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.
All relationships are waiting to be healed and transformed
Into bonds of friendship and love, so that once we have
Created them, they can never again be taken from us.
And wherever our evolutionary journey may still
Have to take us, they will be with us.
They are going to be ours to keep in all Eternity.

Our love for each other, the whole of humankind,
Our world and its Creator act like spiritual wings.
They enable us to rise above our lower nature’s
Meanness and selfish desires.
At last, we can peer beyond the ends of our noses,
To perceive the greater picture of our existence,
Its outer and inner counterpart where all is one
And there’s no separation between anything.
Honesty and truth are its supreme rulers.
The knowledge that everything on the earthly plane
Only ever happened for the wise higher purpose
Of teaching humankind every one of the lessons
That are needed, individually and collectively,
On the evolutionary journey that will forever
Take all of us forwards on the upwards winding
Spiral of life.

The Universal Christ’s light and warmth are known as
The Christ Star and that’s the strongest and brightest light
In the whole of Creation.
Let’s tune into its energies and ask God and the Angels
To teach us how they wish us to bless and heal,
Hand in hand with them, our world.
Every human being contains at least a spark of
The Christ light, even though in many it has not yet
Woken from the early state and as yet hasn’t gathered
Sufficient strength to take over its counterpart,
The lower earthly personality.
Nonetheless, the spark is there and that’s
The Christ child that the Jesus legend places
Into the crib among the animals and that’s
A symbolism for everybody’s lower human animal nature.

God and the Angels place a spark of the Christ light
Into the heartmind of every human being
When it’s first being released into being educated
In the earthly school of life’s lessons.
By taking part in them in the course of many lifetimes,
Every spark is constantly growing stronger.
This continues until the Christ nature has taken
Over its counterpart, the lower earthly nature.
That’s how every one of us is taken, time and again,
Through all signs and houses of the zodiac.
The Christ child in the manger is a symbolism
Of this process and that’s the beginning
Of the wise one or living God in every
Human being’s heart coming ever more alive.

The highest and noblest qualities displayed
By Jesus are in every human being,
Even though at first only in seed form.
Don’t allow this to discourage you,
Because the God-man is not a historical figure.
The story of his life is but a legend
That was created by God and the Angels,
So that in due course we would be able to
Recognise that the Divine qualities are present
In every human being, although for a long time
They are inactive and therefore invisible.

And yet, we can only see in others what’s also in us.
Therefore, Jesus’ characteristics and abilities
Must also be in us,
But where?
Deep within our own being.
Everybody has the very best as well as the worst within.
The best is meant to be brought forth and developed
And everything else needs to nailed to the cross of earthly life,
To bleed to death.
Jesus dying on the cross is a symbolism
Of this process which every human being experiences
Sometime on its evolutionary journey.
From the lowest up the highest,
That’s how each one of us has to travel.

The end of our earthly education has been reached
When we have evolved into
A Christed one, in our own right.
We are then aware of our true nature
And the high and holy destiny that awaits
Every human being at the end of being educated
In the earthly school of life,
At that stage of our development we know
Who and what God is and who we truly are,
As well as what kind of relationship every human being
Has with their Divine parents.
No further earthly lifetimes will then be required
By us and at the natural end of our last one,
We are released into the greater freedom
Of the spirit realm and continuing their studies
By exploring its higher and eventually highest realities.

On the long, steep and narrow road that leads
To this goal, refuse to pay attention to the shouts of
Those who think they know the way,
Even though their behaviour shows they have no idea
Of what truly is at stake in our world.
As the pioneers of the Aquarian Age, we have learnt
To pay attention to our inner guidance and
Following its directions and that’s the right road for us.

Hand in hand with God and the Angels
Each one of us is required to walk this road alone.
And it’s good to know, that although they are invisible
To earthly eyes, they really are there,
Always have been and forever will be.
In truth, none of us has ever walked
The earthly plane alone.
Under their guidance and protection,
Eventually, every human being’s task consists
Of bringing down to the earthly plane ever more
Knowledge of God’s great evolutionary plans
For the whole of humankind, our world
And everything within it.

We are here to share, with as many as possible,
Our understanding of the wise higher purpose
That every human existence ultimately serves,
So that ever more of us can bring forth and develop
The spiritual wings of the real you.
They alone enable us to lift ourselves above
Whatever may still have to happen in our world.​

Every human being, without exception, has an eternal and everlasting spirit/soul that cannot be harmed, hurt or destroyed by anything. Never having been born on the earthly plane, this part of our being will never perish or die. When, in the course of many lifetimes, the Divine spark in us has grown strong enough, this aspect of our being provides us with the spiritual wings that empower us to lift ourselves above what’s happening on the earthly plane. This enables us to recognise what’s behind the present situation and what kind of purpose it serves.

That’s the power within everybody, at least potentially. With the passing of time, it enables us to not only lift ourselves above what’s happening in our world and take ever more of our siblings in the great family of humankind with us. That’s why whatever we have learnt along the pathway of our present lifetime, needs to be shared so that others can do the same for themselves – if that’s their desire. Nobody ever forces us to do anything. The freedom of will to draw our own conclusion and make our own decisions is one of the main gifts that the Highest Forces of life have always granted every one of Its beloved children of the Earth.

The God-man Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, which in the course of many lifetimes spent in the earthly school of life everybody develops towards the end of being educated there. Each one of the miracles and wonders that, according to the legend of his life, Jesus brought about is filled with symbolic meanings. Every one of them is waiting to eventually be performed, by none other than God and the Angels, through everyone whose higher nature has been developed. And that’s the power of the real you.

Andy Murray
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘Legends For The Aquarian Age’


From ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’


* * *​

For our small earthly selves life frequently
Appears to be a too risky and scary business.
That’s why we usually dislike and resent the changes
The Universe has in store for us, even thought they just
Wish to move us forwards and upwards on our personal
Evolutionary spiral, so that through new experiences
We can learn and grow ever more Heaven-tall.
Never mind the small earthly self detesting the changes.
Without them our spirit/soul will never be able to discover
Our own true higher God or Christ nature.

Risks have to be taken so that our approach to life
And the way we perceive its purpose can transform itself.
Deeply ingrained wrong thinking and behaviour patterns,
False beliefs, prejudices and superstitions need to be shed.
They are the ones that bring about obstacles and difficulties only.
Time to say goodbye to anything that has outlived
Its usefulness, including people and places,
And especially our world’s old religions.

Alas, life can seem to be a risky business because
Sometimes laughing can make us appear foolish,
Weeping as being sentimental.
And yet, through reaching out for others
We become involved with them.
If showing our feelings reveals
Too much of our true higher nature,
Hoping exposes us to despair,
If we try something and fail
And truly living does not stop our
Physical body from dying.
So what?
The indwelling spirit/soul are eternal
And immortal, they can and will never die.

Risks have to be taken.
The greatest hazard in life is risking nothing.
The one who risks nothing,
Does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
People who hope that by not risking
They can somehow avoid earthly life’s
Suffering and sorrows are very much mistaken,
Because these things are necessary parts
Of every human being’s evolutionary pathway.
The only thing that can be achieved by risking nothing
Is avoiding precious opportunities for changing,
Learning and growing, loving and truly living.

People who allow themselves to remain enslaved and enchained
By the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of our
World’s old religions, forfeit the only freedom that’s truly
Available to human being’s on the earthly plane.
It consists of believing and following that which
The wise one or living God within everybody’s own being,
The inner guidance of our built-in lie-detector,
The only one in the whole of Creation whose
Information is truly reliable and trustworthy.

Its guidance provides us with the courage of acting
Upon the knowledge that every human being
In truth is a being of love, who has its origin in love
And is on its way of returning to it.
Independent of how long this journey
May still take, that’s what every one of us is.
This knowledge lights our way
Home into what we always have been
And forever will be:
God’s beloved children of the Earth,
Immortal spirits and souls who, from time to time,
Are for a while encased in matter.

Only those who are willing to take the risk
Of conducting their lives in keeping with this
Knowledge will ever be able to love the way our Creator,
The Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born
Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, loves every one of us:
Totally and unconditionally, wisely and free.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

* * *

Come To The Edge

‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They said: ‘We are afraid.’
‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They came . . .
He pushed them . . .
And they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire 1880 – 1918
French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist and art critic

* * *

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!

Come to the edge!
And they came.
And we pushed.
And they flew.

Christopher Logue 1926 – 2011
English poet associated with the British Poetry Revival

From ‘Christmas 2021 : The Truth’


* * *
Doing The Right Things

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
You don’t have to like them, but love them anyway!

They are all part of your spiritual family.
They are part of you and you are part of them.
They may not yet know it, but you being wiser,
Love them anyway!

People may project their own ulterior motives onto you,
And accuse you of having them.
Rest safe in the knowledge that the Universe
Knows their hearts as well as yours.
Do good anyway!

If being successful means that we can only win
False friends and real enemies.
Succeed anyway!

The good we do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do it anyway!

What could have taken years of building up,
Can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway!

People who are in need of our help,
May attack us whilst we are trying to help them.
Help anyway!

Give the world the best that is within you,
And should it be rejected, do not stop giving.
Give anyway!

All of us are personally responsible for every one of our
Thoughts, words and actions.
And the Universal Law of cause and effect or Karma
Decrees that whatever anyone sends into the Universe
Like a boomerang must return to its source.
When we give our best, we can rest safely in the knowledge
That, when our karmic debts have been paid,
Nothing but the best will return to us.

Knowing that our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers
Are our spiritually younger and less experienced
Siblings in the family of humankind,
Let’s love them anyway and keep on sending them
Kind, loving and forgiving thoughts that feed into
And strengthen our world’s Christ stream of light.
Each time such thoughts return, let’s send them
On their way, again and again.
This assists the offenders’ Christ nature to wake up,
So that at last they become aware of what they are doing.

Bishop Abel Muzorewa
African Spiritual and Political Leader
Edited by Aquarius

Updated November 2020

From ‘Christmas 2021 : The Truth’


* * *
Let It Be

The Angels and Masters in the
Spiritual background of earthly life
Are in charge of us and our world.
They are the voice of the Great Father/Mother
And of my conscience.
Whenever I’m in trouble,
Their wisdom and love speak to me:
‘Be still, My child,
There’s a reason for everything
And answers to all your questions.
Let Me show the way and
Refuse to rush into things.
For a while let them be,
So I can show you intuitively
How to respond.
Just let it be.

In my deepest, darkest hours
This voice whispers: ‘Let it be.’
And even if the broken-hearted people
Of our world as yet cannot recognise this presence,
The only thing they need to do is ask
For their guidance and protection
Which will never be denied.

That’s how, in due course,
Everybody learns about the living God within
And through their own experiences finds out
That God is as much part of us as we are of God,
That no-one is ever apart from God,
And that with the help and will
Of God and the Angels,
The right way of handling
Any kind of situation is sure to be found.
Just tell them about your troubles
Follow their advice when it comes to you
Intuitively and then let things be.

Spiritual wisdom and truth are God’s light.
Whenever my life clouds over,
I ask for the radiance of this light
To shine onto whatever troubles me and
Then wait for it to light my way forwards and upwards
On my own evolutionary spiral and our world’s.
Trusting that its advice is always be right for me
And that it will never lead me astray,
Even though it may not yet be accepted by anyone else.
Knowing that this will continue forever,
It’s easy to not mind other people’s views
And let things be.

That’s how in any kind of difficult situation
Divine love and wisdom are always willing
To take over and light our way.
And I hear my inner guidance whispering:
‘Look for the lesson, be patient, My child.
Allow yourself to be and rest safely in the knowledge
That the answers to all your questions will
Never fail to come and show the way.
So just let yourself be and enjoy the voyage
Of your earthly existence as much as possible.
Never forget that each earthly lifetime is but a passing phase
Of your spirit/soul’s long evolutionary journey.’

Paul McCartney
Edited by Aquarius​

Every earthly lifetime only ever lasts for a predestined length of time. At the end of each one we return to the spirit realm, humankind’s true eternal home. In that world each one of us, without exception, rests and builds up their strength in preparation for the next time of venturing forth into taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. This continues for lifetime after lifetime until our education in that school can no longer teach us anything new. Our energies are then right for being released, by the wise ones in charge of our development, into taking part and exploring the next higher level of life. That’s how, with the passing of time, every one of us grows ever more Heaven-tall and each can only do this through learning from their own experiences. Slowly and steadily, each one of us moves forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral towards ever higher planes of existence. This continues until we have evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle. Reaching it eventually is every human being’s final destiny.

Updated January 2022

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Let It Be’

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (5)

Earthly Life : Definitely Not An Illusion

Far too many in our world to this day believe that humankind’s earthly existence is nothing but an illusion. When you take a look at what’s been said about our race’s spiritual development in other parts of my writings, and in particular the previous chapters of ‘The Epilogue’, you can see quite clearly for yourself that this is simply not true. That’s because whatever happens in our world is spiritually of the greatest importance and therefore, to my mind, does not deserve the name illusion by any stretch of imagination. It makes no difference whether or not someone is as yet aware of the seriousness of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. And that’s what everybody who is presently here is occupied with.

As proof of this, first let’s take a closer look at the belief that earthly representatives of a non-existent God have any spiritual power whatsoever to forgive all kinds of sin that have been committed in our world. Believing this most certainly is nothing but an illusion. Every sin that’s committed and especially lying, cheating and deceiving people for whatever reasons creates a debit entry in the offender’s spiritual account. Stored in their soul memories, for however long it may be necessary, this debit will patiently wait to be redeemed until the law of cause and effect or Karma returns every bit of it like a boomerang. That’s bound to happen because everything that anyone at any given moment sends into the Universe in thoughts, words and actions must eventually return to its sender.

I hope you are not getting tired of hearing about things like that every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and deed that’s ever projected into our world. My own life’s experience has taught me that Catholic people in particular seem to be prone to lying. Being well aware that lying is a sin, they nonetheless do not hesitate to use it whenever it suits them. This is done because they believe they can turn to a priest to confess their sin and be forgiven for it, maybe through saying praying ten hail Maries.

Oh dear, if only the sinners knew that the one who likes to think of him/herself as a representative of God, who just like God has the power of forgiving any kind of sin, as long as someone says they truly feel sorry about what they have done. It makes no difference whether they really are or not. Their hailing of the non-existent mother of the non-existent God is nothing but a waste of time, because she is merely a symbolism for the Great Mother of all life as well as the feminine aspect of every human being’s nature.

Be that as it may, the priest is happy to forgive the sinner. Alas, because the God he is working for is a non-existent one, this kind of forgiveness carries no spiritual weight whatever. It does not have any power whatever to change the fact that lying, cheating and deception, in pursuit of personal advantages, are among the most serious offences that can be committed in our world. And when, in the fullness of time, such sins are returned by the Divine law of Karma and make life difficult for the earthly personality of the same spirit/soul, either later in the same lifetime or a future one, they may not be able to understand why things of this nature should be happening to them, out of all people.

It takes a long time until someone has developed sufficiently to realise the perfection of God’s justice and how it is achieved in the simplest of ways through the law of cause and effect or Karma. There comes the time when one realises that all truly great things are basically very simple. And this law is simplicity on a truly grandiose scale, because it operates throughout the whole of Creation, not merely in our world. It also ensures that nobody can redeem anyone else’s karmic debts, because as their creator we alone are responsible for every bit of them. That’s why we are the only ones who can and has to redeem them, in the fullness of time.

Every act of lying, cheating and deception, whether it is successful or not, creates a debit entry in our spiritual account. This is because the only thing that counts spiritually is the intention behind everything we project into our world, which is clearly visible to the wise ones in charge of us and our development on the inner spiritual plane. Lying and cheating are most serious offences against the laws of life for the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet, because God’s laws are based on absolute and unchangeable honesty and truth.

Each offence against the Divine Universal laws creates a debit entry in our personal spiritual ledger. Every one of them consists of a double bookkeeping system, if ever there was one. That’s because the redemption of every sin is put on ice until the offender has spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what the law of Karma in due course returns to them. It makes no difference if in this lifetime they are taking the greatest of care to do only what’s honest and truthful. Because of this they will not be able to understand why something so unpleasant should be hitting them, out of all people and maybe even out of the blue.

Naturally, this applies just as much to the pharma industry and the members of the medical profession of our time, who are accepting payments for taking part in the greatest deception that our world has ever experienced. Do not believe for a moment that God and the Angels are not aware of what’s happening. Why are they allowing it? The pandemic serves the wise higher purpose of redeeming the karmic debts of old and experienced spirit/souls, and that has nothing to do with what age the physical body of someone’s lower earthly personality may have reached. Simultaneously with this, masses of fresh karmic debts are shovelled into the spiritual accounts of young and inexperienced spirit/souls who are involved in experiencing their first lessons in the earthly school of life. To my mind, nothing of what’s been happening for several years by now to people on either side of the pandemic could, by any stretch of the imagination, qualify to be called merely an illusion.

Because on the inner plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything, the belief that every human being is an individual who exists on their own in the material world and left to struggle with no help that’s the only part of humankind’s existence that qualifies to be called an illusion. Also that we are miserable worms and sinners and that the only one who can save and redeem us from forever having to fry in the fires of hell is a God-man by the name of Jesus. All of these things are untrue and therefore illusions.

In truth, every human being who ever took part in the earthly school of life’s lessons always has been and forever will be a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Every so often every one of us takes part in another lesson of the earthly school of life. That’s why every so often we stay there for a predestined length of time. At the end of it one of the Angels of transformation, not of death because in truth there is no such thing as death, returns us to our true home, the world of spirit or light. We rest and recuperate there from the stresses of earthly life until our spirit/soul feels strong enough to send its earthly counterpart to experience another spell as a material being in the material world.

And what about the belief that God is in the Heavens somewhere leaving us poor earthlings to struggle, each on their own with their existence in the material world? That’s probably the greatest illusion of them all, because our Creator has always been one with us and forever will be, as much as we have been and forever will be one with Him/Her. If you believe that the earthly plane is your home and that, when your time for parting company with it, you are snuffed out like a candle so that nothing remains of you, you are still caught up in one of our world’s biggest illusions.

Should you already be aware that the God-man Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature and that this is the only one who will ever be able to save and redeem you and me, as well as everybody else, congratulations for having woken up from being lost in the world of illusions. Welcome to the realisation of the true realities of our existence and that without its spiritual background we and our world would not even exist.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘God – The Great Genius’


From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (6)

Let It Be

The Angels and Masters in the
Spiritual background of earthly life
Are in charge of us and our world.
They are the voice of the Great Father/Mother
And of my conscience.
Whenever I’m in trouble,
Their wisdom and love speak to me:
‘Be still, My child,
There’s a reason for everything
And answers to all your questions.
Let Me show the way and
Refuse to rush into things.
For a while let them be,
So I can show you intuitively
How to respond.
Just let it be.

In my deepest, darkest hours
This voice whispers: ‘Let it be.’
And even if the broken-hearted people
Of our world as yet cannot recognise this presence,
The only thing they need to do is ask
For their guidance and protection
Which will never be denied.

That’s how, in due course,
Everybody learns about the living God within
And through their own experiences finds out
That God is as much part of us as we are of God,
That no-one is ever apart from God,
And that with the help and will
Of God and the Angels,
The right way of handling
Any kind of situation is sure to be found.
Just tell them about your troubles
Follow their advice when it comes to you
Intuitively and then let things be.

Spiritual wisdom and truth are God’s light.
Whenever my life clouds over,
I ask for the radiance of this light
To shine onto whatever troubles me and
Then wait for it to light my way forwards and upwards
On my own evolutionary spiral and our world’s.
Trusting that its advice is always be right for me
And that it will never lead me astray,
Even though it may not yet be accepted by anyone else.
Knowing that this will continue forever,
It’s easy to not mind other people’s views
And let things be.

That’s how in any kind of difficult situation
Divine love and wisdom are always willing
To take over and light our way.
And I hear my inner guidance whispering:
‘Look for the lesson, be patient, My child.
Allow yourself to be and rest safely in the knowledge
That the answers to all your questions will
Never fail to come and show the way.
So just let yourself be and enjoy the voyage
Of your earthly existence as much as possible.
Never forget that each earthly lifetime is but a passing phase
Of your spirit/soul’s long evolutionary journey.’

Paul McCartney
Edited by Aquarius​

Every earthly lifetime only ever lasts for a predestined length of time. At the end of each one we return to the spirit realm, humankind’s true eternal home. In that world each one of us, without exception, rests and builds up their strength in preparation for the next time of venturing forth into taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. This continues for lifetime after lifetime until our education in that school can no longer teach us anything new. Our energies are then right for being released, by the wise ones in charge of our development, into taking part and exploring the next higher level of life. That’s how, with the passing of time, every one of us grows ever more Heaven-tall and each can only do this through learning from their own experiences. Slowly and steadily, each one of us moves forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral towards ever higher planes of existence. This continues until we have evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle. Reaching it eventually is every human being’s final destiny.

Updated January 2022

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Let It Be’

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (8)

When The Curtain Comes Down (1)

At the beginning of every earthly lifetime, until the curriculum of being educated on that plane has been completed, our spirit/soul’s old earthly personality reincarnates time and again into a brand-new physical body that enables it to play yet another role on the grand theatre stage of our world. It consists of a material and an inner spiritual aspect. And when at last the curtain comes down between them for you at the end of your present lifetime, dear Julia, your spirit/soul will be meeting the spirit/soul who, also in his most recent lifetime, got lost in playing the role of your angry father.

Thank you for providing me with the dates of both your parents’ birth and death; we shall return to their meaning later. For the moment it’s good to know that your father was not a Sun Aries like my mother. At all times, during her most recent lifetime, she was all too happy to react angrily to just about anyone who did not agree with her. She loved crossing swords at the slightest provocation. Astrology has helped me to forgive her because she was what’s known as ‘ruled by the Stars’. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

What you told me about your parents reminds me of the time when my mother and father were, at least for a while, separated from each other in their earthly existence, so they could no longer egg each other on. Because of having learnt in the meantime that everybody has the best as well as the worst within them, it’s no longer hard for me to forgive both of them. But to this day, I am grateful that my father created an opportunity for getting to know the other side of him. It came about when we lived in Burley-in-Wharfedale, a long time ago and he visited me and my family. Having been born on the 31st January 1901, he was a double Aquarius. These days, that helps me to explain just about everything about his behaviour. Aquarians are good friends with everybody and are happiest when one allows them to march to the tune of their inner drum.

As children we used hate having to go to town with him because he seemed to know just about everybody. Each time he had to stop to exchange a few friendly words. When he came to visit us, without speaking a word of English, he travelled on his own from Hirschberg in the Arnsberg Forest, Germany, via Rotterdam, Holland, sailed on the Ellermann-Wilson line, to Hull, England, and from there by rail to us. He had no difficulties finding us because he met lots of friendly people who were happy to help him get where he wanted to be, at the backend of nowhere really.

Grateful for every bit that we did for him, my father had a wonderful time exploring Ilkley Moor, which was not far from where we lived. He had brought his hiking gear with him. An essential part of it were two books about our world’s flora and fauna. They were always in his rucksack when he went hiking, which he did in every spare moment that became available. In those days, people worked long hours and on top of it my father was a fine gardener with a large garden to look after. The titles of his books were ‘Was fliegt denn da? What fliegt there?’ and ‘Was waechst denn da? What grows there?’ I knew them from my childhood days when we occasionally had to walk with him because mother wanted a few quiet hours to herself. We did not like it because he seemed to find it impossible to slow down to the walking speed we needed. Along the way, father gathered specimens of anything he did not recognise. Later at home with the help of his books found out their name and habitat.

When father visited us was the time when at last I got to love him and could never stop at being amazed about his great variety of abilities and interests. My mother had done her best to avoid us children getting to really know and love him. I cannot thank astrology enough for helping me to recognise what a wonderful human being he truly was. My mother’s father had drunk himself to death in his early fifties. My father neither drank nor smoked. That may well have been the main reason why she married and accepted him to be the father of her children, three girls and a boy, although in truth she probably hated the males of our species.

Julia, you will get to meet both your parents when your spirit/soul returns to the spirit realm, at the end of your present lifetime. They as well as you will then be nothing but each their own spirit/soul. The most recent earthly personalities and the role you and they played on the grand stage of the theatre of humankind’s earthly existence will have been left behind. They have been shed and its characteristics will then be stored in the memories of each party’s soul. As residents of the spirit realm the three of you will be aware of what’s at stake, that each is following the spiral of their own evolutionary journey. That’s how every human being, without exceptions, in the course of many earthly lifetimes slowly but surely develops into a Christed one, each in their own right.

What happened between us and our parents in our most recent lifetime was similar to playacting in an ordinary earthly school. Spiritually, every one of us is a child or student each time we are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. That’s what happened to me and the members of my family who returned to our true home, the spirit realm, many years ago. It was the karmic bonds that brought about the events of our most recent lifetime. They kept us tied us together like cast iron chains in the course of many earthly sojourns. The only thing that has the power of dissolving such bonds are forgiveness and love. They grow quite naturally from a better understanding of the spiritual background of these relationships and the purpose they once served.

In truth, the people we meet and in particular those with whom close and troublesome relationships have to be endured. It’s by no means the first time that we are together. We have known each other for a long time and in the course of many lifetimes, we have been meeting each other. Each time both parties appeared in a different role. Sometimes we made the other one suffer and on other occasions they did the same to us. All this happened without either of us being aware that we have been together many times before. Each time we took part in one of the many lessons of the earthly school of life. When at last we understand what happened and why, it becomes possible to genuinely change troublesome relationships into ones that are based on friendship and love. That alone dissolves the karmic bond that once existed between us and it is no more.

By the way, it might interest you that during our spells in the spirit realm, we are neither woman nor man. We are both, androgynous and whole, the same as our Creator and Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life. In truth, we do not need anyone to make us whole, because on the inner level we always are, even in earthly life. And when our spirit/soul has returned to the spirit realm, together with the wise ones in charge of our development, they decide whether in our next lifetime it would be more beneficial to reincarnate into a feminine or masculine physical body. We go for whatever promises to be most helpful for our earthly self to learn from that lifetime’s lesson. At the same time we are creating some more karmic debts and redeem some that could have been waiting in our spiritual ledger for long enough. After the wise ones have consulted about the practicality of their idea with the Angels of Karma, they make their decision. Only if it sounds acceptable to us, we apply for our next earthly lifetime.

And when that lifetime has run its course and the earthly selves have attended to the lesson it had in store for them. Glad to be able to leave the earthly plane behind, their spirit/souls return to the world of light, their eternal home. Like actors on a stage, when the curtain has come down over one of their performances, in which they could for example have been acting as if they were deadly enemies, the spirit/souls reach out for each other and embrace, congratulating the other party on the success of their brilliant performance. Behind the curtain of their earthly existence it has not disturbed their love and eternal friendship for each other. Quite the opposite is true. Their most recent encounter has strengthened both and has been living proof of how well they were matched by the wise ones whom they trusted with their development.

And that’s how the acting talent of the spirit/souls involved, with every appearance becomes more refined and enjoyable. It takes a long time until the lower earthly selves realise that whatever happened to them as material beings in a material world was nothing but play-acting that served the wise higher purpose of teaching them, on every occasion something of immense value.

From ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (9)

When The Curtain Comes Down (2)

And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I’ll say it clear,
I’ll state my case of which I’m certain.
I’ve lived a life that’s full,
I’ve travelled each and every highway,
And more, much more than this
I did it my way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few,
But then again too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through, without exemption.
I planned
Each charted course,
Each careful step,
Along the byway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Paul Anka​

Six thousand years of patriarchy with its false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices created a powerful barrier that protected humankind against finding out too soon that there really is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to, whenever the end of one of our earthly lifetimes has come round. Alas, since then it has become something natural for human beings to be afraid of what lies ahead, not only at the end of their present lifetime but also of what the future may hold in store, in general terms.

The deeper our world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the age of truth that is waiting to flow from the highest levels of life directly into the hearts and minds of those who tune into their energies and ask for their assistance. This is why ever more of us are finding out that in truth there never is any need to be afraid of anything and that’s because spirit guides and helpers have always accompanied us wherever our pathway on the earthly plane may lead. This will forever continue and although our spirit friends are invisible to earthly eyes, they most certainly are there. Yet, if one of us wants their help, it has to be asked for. Otherwise they are not allowed to advise us intuitively of the best way of proceeding whenever problematic situations are encountered.

It’s good to know that nothing in earthly life is ever an accident or a coincidence. Everything has always been most carefully planned by the wise ones in charge of our development, individually as well as collectively. There always has been a wise higher reason behind everything that’s ever happened in our world. Included are the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy that filled our human soul memories with layer upon layer of fear about what happens to us at the end of each lifetime and beyond. As sufficient has already been said about this theme, it’s not necessary to go into more details.

At all times the Highest Forces of life have been and forever will be occupied with teaching humankind some lessons that are vital for young Gods in the making. That’s what every one of us is, whether we are as yet aware of it or not. And it’s why at any given time, young and spiritually inexperienced earthly selves, independent of what age their physical bodies had reached, have been and still are occupied with getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of their human nature. Unfortunately, this cannot be done any other way than young and spiritually inexperienced earthlings spreading as much suffering as possible to their older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind.

One group being occupied with piling karmic debts into their spiritual ledgers, creates opportunities for another group to redeem the debts they created when they were spiritual youngsters. And that’s why I thank you, Great Father/Mother of all life, for the immense wisdom that your perfect justice clearly shows. On the surface of things, thanking for something of this nature might come across as perverse. Yet, I assure you that it is nothing of the kind because I, the same as everybody else is after all a young God in the making who needs to be familiarised with both side of the coin of everything that’s likely to ever happen to us young Gods. It thank you for how far your perfect justice has brought not only me but our whole world thus far.

Considering our world’s present state, I am delighted that I must be on the threshold of returning to my true eternal home, the spirit realm. Hopefully my departure from this plane will come about soon. Having reached the eighty-fifth year of my present lifetime, I have had more than enough of earthly life and am delighted about leaving something of value behind. I hope that’s what my ‘Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’ are. They will continue to be available, free of charge as ever, for as long as they may be required.

Since having found out that earthly life is a school and a place of learning, Since spiritual knowledge, which as I know now started to come to me intuitively from the highest levels of life, many years ago, I have been of the firm conviction that it is too precious to be sold to the highest bidders. To my mind, it belongs to everybody and not merely those who can afford to pay large amounts for books that have been published. If you are familiar with my writings, you will be able to appreciate that spiritually I must be immensely rich. Giving my treasures away makes a great deal of sense when you consider that, each time we depart from earthly plane, not a single penny of any wealth that’s been accumulated on the material plane can be taken with us.

The only thing that truly belongs to us, and that in all Eternity, which no-one will ever even try to take from us, is the learning we have acquired up to any given point of our earthly education. That’s the only way one of us can grow ever more Heaven-tall, i.e. spiritually aware that there are no places like Heaven and hell, no saviour and redeemer like Jesus, and so and so forth. Because of this, I would like to say like Edith Piaf, who once was known as the singing sparrow of Paris: ‘Non, je ne regrette rien. Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait. Ni le mal, tout ça m’est bien égal.’

Like Edith, I do not regret anything that ever happened to me. I am just thankful for all of it because I now know that it came about for the wise higher purpose of teaching me something. At the same time, the suffering that came my way, being unavoidable served the wise higher purpose of helping me to redeem some of my outstanding karmic debts. Would anyone want to complain about that?

Also, I really cannot see any point in weeping when loved ones depart from the earthly plane, when in truth they are alive and well in the spirit realm and enjoying ever more of its greater freedom. And isn’t it the highest time that everybody wakes up to the fact that, in truth, nobody has ever been our enemy? This is because on the inner spiritual plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything. Isn’t it good to know that everybody is our sibling in the great family of humankind and that nothing on the earthly plane truly belongs to us? This most certainly applies to whole countries.

Everything on the earthly plane is borrowed and merely a gift that has been loaned to us by the Highest Forces of life, for a predestined certain length of time. Even our physical body does not belong to us and has to be returned each time the end of one lifetime has been reached, in as good condition as possible.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Ruled By The Stars’


From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (1)

The following is a message from the wise one or living God within me, in whom life in the whole of Creation is one, who therefore knows the way of all things and never leads us astray: ‘Ever more people in your world these days are waking up to the realisation that the essence of their being is spirit/soul. It is this aspect of their being who is experiencing life on the earthly plane of life and not the other way round. Every one of you is much more than merely a physical being in a material world who – oh yes, by the way – also has a spirit and a soul. It’s the spirit/soul of every human being, without exception, who a long time ago started its evolutionary journey as the tiniest of sparks of your Creator’s sacred fire that consists of nothing but the highest emanation of love. That’s why every one of you is as immortal and eternal as the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and why none of you will or even can ever die.

‘From the moment of taking part in earthly life, your spirit/soul is clothed in a physical body. As you have no idea that this body is merely a vehicle for getting around on the material plane of life, you think of yourself as just another material being in a material world, the same as millions of others. Even though you could not be more wrong, it’s necessary that you believe this for a predestined length of time. Every lifetime you spend on the material plane serves the wise higher purpose of taking part in lesson after lesson. Every of them is essential for young Gods in the making. That’s what every one of you is, without exception, and it makes no difference whether someone is as yet aware of this fact or not. Alas, not knowing still applies to many who are taking part in earthly life, without being aware of why they are there and why things are happening to them.

‘These unaware ones are there because transformation time with a capital T has come round for your world. The Highest Forces of life are transforming your planet from an over-materialistically oriented place into an ever more spiritual one. What’s been happening for some years by now was specially designed for this purpose. Who might these Highest Forces be? The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. Make no mistake about it, they are the ones who always have been and forever will be in charge of not only attending to humankind’s development but also of everything that shares the Earth with you.

‘What’s been happening in your world for some time by now, was designed to take all spiritually unawakened ones in your midst by the scruff of their necks. They are being shaken and asked to investigate why things of this nature have to happen to them. As yet, they are unaware that earthly life can be likened to the stage of an immense theatre, on which humankind’s destiny has always been unfolding. It’s all too easy to get lost in playing a certain part for as long as you do not yet know who and what every one of you truly is. This is why I am here now.

‘You need to know that every one of you has always been taking part in one or the other particularly grand performance. Each one is meant to assist the consciousness of those involved to expand through experiences that help you to day by day grow in ever more wisdom and understanding, of yourself, the whole of humankind and your world. On every occasion you don’t understand something, you are meant to turn to your Highest Self, the wise one or living God within you, in whom all life is one, and ask questions like: ‘What’s happening in our world? Why do I have to take part in this? Why am I here?’

‘The spiritual journey that constantly takes every human being forwards and upwards, individually and collectively, on your world’s evolutionary spiral. And that’s how, at a certain developmental stage, the curtain of understanding goes up on the performance of why things are happening in your world’s material aspect. The background of its eternal spiritual reality, as well as your own, then becomes ever more visible. You realise how immense the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother has to be that millions of years ago, they created a physical world so that, much later in the course of many thousands of years this place could be used as a training ground for their human offspring.

‘As a young God in the making, each one of them always has been precious beyond compare, even though for a long time each one is unaware that this is what they truly are. ‘During the early stages of every offspring’s development, the material world is something behind which they can hide, so that unashamed and unhindered each of has the freedom to experience the lower and lowest aspects of their nature.

‘Your world’s material and spiritual aspects have always been one. And because every one of you needs to experience the full spectrum of everything that’s likely to ever happen to young Gods, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, you take part in it twice. First you are on the giving end of manifesting the unpleasant human character traces onto the world around you. Later, when your spirit/soul has matured sufficiently so that its earthly personality is capable of coping with what the Divine Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, in due course is bound to them what they once freely and happily handed out to anyone who came near them. At that stage, each one of you finds themselves on the receiving end of similar experiences. It takes a long time until you realise why such unpleasant and unhappy events have to come about in your life, in spite of the fact that you are making every effort to behave in pleasant and agreeable ways, at all times.

‘This is how it comes about that, in the course of many lifetimes, hundreds and sometimes thousands, every one of you time and again plays their predestined role on the grand theatre stage of earthly life, unaware that at all times the spirit/soul of your earthly personality is its own ancestor and, at the same time, descendant. For many lifetimes you have no idea that this is what every one of you is. But when at last you look at life from the spiritual perspective, it dawns on you that those who are presently being killed by Russian bombs that are being dropped on the Ukraine, aren’t they really the fortunate ones? And that’s because old and experienced spirit/souls are dwelling in the physical bodies that are being destroyed.

‘Their suffering is the redemption of the karmic debts they once piled into their spiritual ledgers, a long time ago when they spiritually were still as young and inexperienced as those who these days are commanding the bomber fleets, as well as those who are making the bombs and dropping them. When you were at their developmental stage, like them you had no idea that you are personally responsible for every thought, word and action you release into your world and that, in the fullness of time, the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma would return every bit of them to you. Even though you were ignorant of these things, it did not protect you against having to live with the consequences of whatever you did to anyone a long time ago. Naturally, this also applies to those who are now dropping bombs anywhere in your world onto seemingly innocent people.

– To be continued. –

From ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (2)

‘Don’t be fooled by any impression with which the surface of the material plane supplies you. The underlying spiritual truth is that physical bodies who are being killed, at any given time, while their indwelling spirit/soul is eternal and immortal. It has been taken by one of the Angels of transformation, not of death because spiritually death does not exist. The physical body of anyone who has been killed served the purpose of an overcoat that, in each lifetime, is worn similar to an overcoat. It was specially created for this purpose, made to last for a predestined length of time. The age of the spirit/soul wearing it is impossible to tell from your perspective of life.

‘In the case of the people killed in the Ukraine conflict many of the spirit/souls have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity like this to redeem their last outstanding karmic debts. And I hope you will find what happened less cruel when you know that their spirit/soul were taken by the Angels of transformation to the spirit realm, their true eternal home. There is nowhere else to go when someone’s earthly lifetime has run its course and the outer shell of their physical body has served the purpose for which it came into being. On top of all that, it’s the last time that the earthly personalities of those who are being killed in all your world’s present warzones, not merely in the Ukraine, never again have to compulsorily take part in life on the material plane. Their education in the earthly school of life is complete.

‘Their spirit/soul energies have been cleansed by the ordeal each earthly personality had to endure. Because of this the spirit/soul is now ready for being released into continuing its education by exploring and taking part in the spirit realm’s next higher level. After that one, comes the next higher level and so on and so forth. That’s how every human being, each through their own efforts, is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their individual evolutionary spiral, and at the same time on the spiral of the whole of humankind and your world. This evolutionary journey, for each one of you and not merely a selected few, continues until your spirit/soul has reached the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle and joined them. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan of life, you will then be able to create and uncreate whole worlds and everything that’s taking part in them.

‘The intervals that your spirit/soul, every so often, spends at home, serve the recovery from the stresses and strains of your earthly existence. You are then aware that without applying for one lifetime after another, you would never be able to reach the end of your education on the earthly plane. You do this freely and willingly because you know that you will then be released from the compulsion of taking part earthly life’s lessons. Without attending to them, you would never be allowed to continue your education by exploring the greater freedom of the spirit realm and taking part in them.

‘On every occasion you leave the earthly plane behind, your spirit/soul joins the group that’s been taking care of you, and also your loved ones, when you still dwelled on the other side of the veil that to this day separates the two parts of your world. As mentioned before, spiritually nobody ever forces you to do anything. Everything you do comes about of your own free will. And nobody will ever be released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm without having served their apprenticeship on the material plane. Each group is headed by a spirit/soul who is more highly evolved than the rest of its members. All of them welcome each newcomer and do their best to start showing them which ways of supporting and helping those on the other side of the veil are allowed and which are not. And because this is what’s first and foremost in the minds of all new arrivals, they gladly accept the period of learning that’s ahead.

‘But let’s return for a moment to the victims of your world’s warzones, not merely the Ukraine but all others. In each case, what happens is for two wise higher reasons. The first one is the redemption of outstanding karmic debts for old and experienced spirit/souls. The second one piles new karmic obligations into the spiritual bank accounts of young and inexperienced spirit/souls. The time has come for realising that, in the final analysis, whatever happens to your physical body is nothing like as important as how much its indwelling spirit/soul learns from the experiences. Through this, in the course of many lifetimes, every one of you grows in wisdom and understanding of itself, why you are taking part in the earthly school of life, and your world.

‘Every human being’s spirit/soul once started its evolutionary journey as the tiniest of sparks of the Great Father/Mother’s only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. That’s why every one of you, whether you are as yet aware of it or not, is an eternal and immortal being that will and can never be truly hurt or destroyed by anyone or anything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation. From this you will be able to see for yourself that all is well and forever will be, and that with every one of you, the whole of humankind as well as your world.

‘If you wish to alleviate any kind of suffering, and especially that which to this day is created in your world’s warzones by the spiritual youngsters in your midst, whose higher nature has not yet woken from its slumber. The best way of helping it to wake up is by sending ever more kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to them, individually as well as collectively as a group. They really do not yet know not what they are doing, most of all to themselves because of what, in the fullness of time, is bound to return to them, unless you do your best to assist them with the power of your thinking patterns. Every one of your thoughts feeds into the light stream of consciousness of your world and strengthens it. The more this happens, the more this stream becomes capable of gradually absorbing ever more of the darkness that still exists on your plane of life.

‘Once more I would like to remind you that spiritually nobody ever forces any human being to do anything. Whatever you do it’s of your own free will. Never forget that the spirit/souls of those who to this day are being killed in your world’s remaining warzones, before entering into their present lifetime, agreed with the suggestion of the wise ones in charge of their spiritual development, that the physical bodies of their earthly personalities should die the way they are doing. Spiritually this makes a great deal of sense, because it’s a process that has the power of cleansing any spirit/soul’s spiritual bank account of all outstanding debts. Accumulated in the course of many earthly lifetimes, they have been waiting for a long time to be redeemed, when for them the end of their education in the earthly school of life has come round.

‘When your earthly personality’s suffering has cleansed your spirit/soul’s energies, at last you are fully and consciously aware that you, the same as every other human being – independent of which developmental level anyone may have reached at any given moment – in truth is a young God in the making. Now your energies are right for permanently staying at home in the spirit realm. You will be continuing your education there and never again have to reincarnate onto the earthly plane in order to take part in its lessons. This eventually sets every one of you free to explore and take part in ever higher levels of the spirit realm.

– To be continued. –

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (3)

‘If one of these days, you get to watch the video of a young mother weeping for the child she has lost in one of your world’s warzones, bear in mind that mother and child are taking part in an outstandingly beautiful part of their development. It’s for wise higher reasons that none of you has any conscious recall of what happened to you in previous lifetimes and what kind of lessons you were then attending. Every one of you, without exception, is a young God in the making. One of the most essential aspects of your earthly education is being familiarised with the nature of suffering. That’s why in some of your lifetimes you are first at the giving end of handing it out to those around you. Later, when your spirit/soul has spiritually matured sufficiently so that your earthly personality can cope with what comes its way, you are on the receiving end of this lesson, just the same as all others.

‘This is why, at some stage of their development, everybody from time to time has to wade through the depths of suffering. And that’s why the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom protects all its offspring against knowing what they might have been up to in past lifetimes. Rest assured that otherwise no mother would ever have to go through the ordeal of losing her child. It takes a long time until you understand the wise higher reason behind such experiences. Something of this nature could only happen to you because the perfect justice of the Divine law of cause and effect or Karma was returning to you what you did to someone in one or even several of your previous lifetimes.

‘When you are on the receiving end of a similar experiences, it makes no difference whether this time round you have appeared in the disguise of a woman or man who is suffering over the loss of a child. Not knowing that it happened for a wise higher reason would most alleviate the pain of your suffering. But the suffering lesson requires that every one of you has to wade through the very depths of it, without this knowledge. Even though in one or several previous lifetimes, you may robbed someone of their child or children, rest assured that this did not make you into a miserable worm or sinner.

‘Nobody ever is or was one of them, the way your old religion’s preachermen used to spout from the pulpit. It was done for the purpose of making their listeners feel thoroughly guilty, so they would part with their possession more easily when the time of their departure from the earthly plane had come. They needed someone to save and redeem them, so that they would go to Heaven instead of frying forever in the fires of hell. The more they donated to their churches, the more easily the non-existent saviour and redeemer could do this.

‘Many of you by now are aware that every human being always has been a pupil or student in the earthly school of life, no more and no less. That’s how in the course of many lifetimes, time and again all of you take part in the same lessons. Every new round of the zodiac takes every one of you forwards and upwards onto a somewhat higher level of awareness.

‘Every human being, without exception, is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life, your Creator, and therefore no less than a young God in the making, no more and no less. The Divine justice is perfect and this achieved through the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. This law ensures that whenever one of you has reached the end of their earthly education, their spirit/soul has a thorough grasp of every experience that’s likely to ever come your way. In particular this applies to the lessons of familiarising them with the nature of suffering.

‘This is the reason why, in some of the lifetimes at the beginning of our education in the earthly school of life, you are on the giving end of suffering, handing it out generously to anyone who comes within your reach. The more someone hurts, in whatever manner that comes to your mind, the better you feel. The second instalment of the same lesson you receive when your spirit/soul has matured sufficiently. In the course of may earthly lifetimes, every spirit/soul appears time and again to play another role on the grand theatre stage of earthly life, with a different earthly personality. This is how each spirit/soul, in the fullness of time experiences, i.e. many lifetimes later, something similar to what it once inflicted upon others during previous ones.

‘Because each one of you is a young God in the making, that’s why the Great Father/Mother, your true eternal Divine parents, take the greatest care to familiarise all of you with both sides of every issue that’s ever likely to concern you. Rest assured that whatever happens to any of you, during their intervals on the earthly plane, never has anything to do with guilt and revenge. And nothing happens there perchance, is an accident or a coincidence. Spiritually, such things do not exist. Everything has been most carefully planned and designed to provide for all needs of every Divine human offspring. We shall return to this theme.

– To be continued. –

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (4)

‘There is nothing you can do about what happens to you. It’s all written in the great book of life and that for every one of you. When you reflect on what might you might have been up to in any of your earthly lifetimes, the best thing you can do is to forgive. Start with forgiving yourself for once, and that could have been many lifetimes ago, setting the wheels of destiny and fate in motion. Then set about forgiving anyone who hurt and harmed you in some way. Initially, you may not be able to understand why these things should have happened. Never mind. Forgive anyway.

‘The more your spiritual nature wakes from its slumbers, the more you will be able to recognise why I am suggesting this. You are dealing with a dual bookkeeping system, if ever there was one. And that’s how every one of you, with the help of forgiveness, possesses the power of restoring the balance of their spiritual bank account. As pointed out in the previous chapter, although though in every lifetime a different earthly personality appears on the stage of the grand theatre of earthly life, each indwelling spirit/soul remains the same.

‘The justice of your eternal Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother is perfect. Through the law of cause and effect or Karma their love and wisdom ensure that all lessons of humankind’s earthly existence are thoroughly enough learnt by every one of their human offspring. But it takes until you have almost completed your earthly curriculum that, at last, it dawns on you that for a long time your spirit/soul has been playing the role of its own ancestor as well as descendant. And that’s how it became possible for your consciousness to constantly keep on expanding.

‘As a result, each one of your earthly personalities entered the earthly plane equipped with an increased amount of wisdom and understanding. And eventually you reach the developmental point of realising who and what you truly are and always have been and that the same is true for all human beings. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not makes no difference. But it comes to everybody when they no longer need to be educated on the earthly plane. When the light of your inner and outer being have become equally strong, so that they act as one, you have evolved into a Christed one. Each can only do this in their own right.

‘In each lifetime, and the gap between them could be hundred and sometimes even thousands of years in earthly terms apart, it’s the same spirit/soul who slips into the costume of another earthly personality. Nonetheless, your inner self although its consciousness has expanded enormously, is still the same and that’s the wonder and miracle of the human evolutionary journey. It takes every one of you, without exception, from getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of your human nature, up to the highest peak of being a companion of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God.

‘In keeping with God’s great plan of life, you always have been equipped with the power of thought, even though for a long time you haves been unaware that you possess this power. Having reached the peak of your evolutionary journey, you are aware of the power of your thoughts. In the course of your evolutionary journey, you have learnt how to use them wisely. That’s because you will eventually be capable of creating and destroying, at your will, whole worlds and everything within them. Can you see why the kind of education every one of you receives from the word ‘go’ is of the greatest importance? Why it begins with attending the earthly school of life’s lessons and that in the course of many lifetimes? Ever forwards and upwards every one of you constantly moves on their own individual evolutionary spiral, as well as the one for the whole of humankind and its world.

‘Can you see why it is of the utmost importance that none of you will ever be released into the spirit realm to fend for themselves? As touched upon earlier, nobody ever forces you to take part in anything. Yet, whenever your spirit/soul goes home at the end of each lifetime, you are invited to join the group of spirit guides who have been taking care of you on the earthly plane. You will be invited to join them and take part in a kind of apprenticeship that consists of observing the behaviour of the more experienced members of your group and especially the most highly evolved one at the head. Each group has one and by watching them you learn how they go about supporting those who are still taking part in earthly life. Eventually, the inner spiritual and the outer material aspects of earthly life will have melted into one. There will then be peace, balance and harmony on both sides.

‘As touched upon earlier, first and foremost every human being is a spirit/soul who is experiencing life in the material world and not the other way round. You are by no means a physical being in a material world who from time to time thinks: ‘Ah yes, I also have a spirit/soul! So what?’ It’s this aspect of your being who, for wise higher educational reasons every so often takes part in life on the earthly plane. That’s how every one of you and your planet, in the course of millions of years, have always been assisting each other with their development. It takes every one of you from the lowest level up to the highest plane. And for a long time you believe that you are struggling on your own, but in truth you could not be more wrong. At a certain developmental stage you begin to realise that spirit friends and helpers have always been around and with you, to look after you and show the way.

– To be continued. –

From ‘What Is Truth?’


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The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (5)

‘With every lifetime that one of you spends on the earthly plane, the indwelling spirit/soul’s Divine spark absorbs ever more of the Christ energies and light. That’s because the Universal Star at all times has done its best to draw not only every human being but your whole world closer into its loving embrace. As the strength of everybody’s own Divine spark’s light is constantly growing, with the passing of time on the earthly plane, all spirit/souls reach an ever more enlightened state through their lower earthly selves attending lesson after lesson in the earthly school of life.

‘Through this process the inner and outer aspects of every one of you are constantly increasing in wisdom and understanding of yourselves, the whole of humankind and its world. This is how all of you, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, slowly but surely evolve into Christed ones. However, everybody can only do this for themselves. This is because no-one could ever do the work of changing your character from manifesting that which is ugly and evil to something that’s nothing but good, right and beautiful.

‘But every human being eventually reaches the stage of their development when they wake up to who and what they truly are and why things have always been happening to them. It then dawns on you that your spirit/soul’s development has always been much more important than what happens to its lower earthly self, in the course of each lifetime. The earthly self is the lower aspect of your higher nature, your spirit/soul. To help it to grow and evolve, every so often it reincarnates onto the earthly plane and is provided with a brand-new physical body. Spirit/souls are eternal and immortal while each new body is but a gift on time. As soon as each lifetime has served the purpose for which it was created by God and the Angels, it is returned to Mother Earth. Its components are the atoms of matter and they are recycled, the same as everything else that ever manifests itself on the material plane, not only on your planet.

‘Something like a curtain for a long time has been hiding your world’s spiritual background as well as the true wise and higher reasons why things had to happen in times gone by and why they still have to now. Not understanding any of these things has been creating a barrier of consciousness in every human being. However, this blockage is no longer required because the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has been with you for quite some time by now. And the deeper your world penetrates into the energies of this age, the more of is barrier is removed in quite natural ways by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. They always have been and forever will be in charge of the development of every individual human being, the whole humankind as well as your world.

‘Rest assured that everything that ever took place on the earthly plane has been in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan. This applies as much to the pandemic as to the present crisis in the Ukraine and all other places in which it is still necessary for warmongering to exist. You will find that gradually ever more of the more of the truth about the wise higher purpose behind everything that ever came about in your world, individually and collectively, is emerging.

‘That’s why ever more of you now realise that in truth every human being is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Therefore, every one of you is no less than a young God in the making. This why, gathered on the inner level of your world’s warzones, are the spirit/souls who have become spiritually sufficiently evolved to be released, and that for good from the compulsion of taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life. At the end of their present lifetime, when the outer shell of their physical bodies has been returned to Mother Earth, and their spirit/souls have returned to their true eternal home, the spirit realm, their energies will be right for continuing their education through exploring the ever greater freedom of our world. Their earthly personalities had no idea that something of this nature would be happening. Yet, the indwelling spirit/souls for a long time have eagerly been looking forward to the end of this lifetime.

‘Weep for the earthly selves and do your best to comfort the loved ones they have left behind. Some of them will be able to understand that their spirit/souls agreed with the wise ones in charge of their development, a long time before entering into their present lifetime, that this one should be used for this specific purpose. Through the suffering their earthly selves would have to endure, all outstanding karmic debts in the spirit/souls’ spiritual ledger would be redeemed and the balance of their accounts at last be restored. For every human being there eventually comes the time when their earthly personality has absorbed so much of the Universal Christ’s light, that that which once was evil, ugly and nasty in their nature has been left behind, for good. This is how every one of you, in the fullness of time, evolves into a Christed one and each can only do this in their own right.

‘Clearing all individual and collective human spiritual ledgers from their darkness is an essential and unavoidable aspect of your world’s present transformation from a materialistically over-orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. It is a process that for many years has been unfolding. Because of this spiritual waking up, ever more of you by now realise that what happens to your spirit/soul is far more important than what comes about for your physical body. Never forget that it is merely a vehicle your spirit/soul requires for moving about on the earthly plane of life. Each physical body is on loan for just one lifetime. It’s a gift that enables your spirit/soul to take part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, for as long as this is demanded by your educational program. Without it no spiritual progress is possible.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’


– To be continued. –

From ‘What Is Truth?’


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The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (6)

‘As touched upon earlier, nothing that ever happens in your world is about being guilty of something and/or a matter of revenge. Spiritually, these terms do not exist because the only thing that has always mattered during the lessons of the earthly school of life is learning and teaching. After all, every one of you is but a child in that school. Just like in your world’s educational establishments, whenever a student has reached the end of their curriculum, they receive a certificate about having taken part. Punishing them for this in some way would not only be ridiculous but also pointless.

‘A reward of a very special kind awaits every spirit/soul when its earthly self at last has at long last reached the end of having to attend some more of the lessons that are necessary for experiencing the material plane of existence. That’s because by then the energies of your spirit/soul have changed so much that they are suitable for moving onwards and upwards on your own evolutionary spiral and that of your world. Hooray, you are being released into familiarising yourself with the ever higher levels of the spirit realm’s greater freedom.

‘For a long time, something like a curtain has been separating the inner and outer aspects of the world you are taking part in. For quite a while by now, for many of you this curtain has been lifting. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle are now in the process of removing it altogether. They want you to know that the only thing that truly matters for every human being, wherever someone’s spiritual development may have taken them so far, is how their spirit/soul learns and grows in wisdom and understanding through whatever happens to their lower earthly self. Every one of you can only do this for themselves.

‘To aid the full unfoldment of your whole being, your world’s spiritual background for around six thousand years has been hiding behind the curtain of the patriarchy. It has provided your world with ever stranger tales that have nothing to do with the truth. For example that an all-male Divinity rules your world and that the masculine is superior to the feminine. Particular strange and most certainly untrue has been the tale of what happens to human beings when they reach the end of their earthly existence. According to your old religions, earthly life is a one-off affair at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle. Nothing of you remains, unless you have been saved and redeemed by the God-man Jesus.

‘Many of you are by now aware that he is not a historic figure who once walked in the midst of humankind and performed ever greater miracles. He is merely a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. In the course of your evolutionary journey you are getting to know first your lowest characteristics and later that which is highest, noblest and best in you.

‘None of your world’s old belief systems deserves being called a religion, because this word is based on the Latin ‘religare’. It means to connect, in this case with God. In truth, all these systems were ideal instruments for keeping humankind away from God. Their ever stranger tales created the necessary barriers of fear in your race’s consciousness, individually as well as collectively. Layer upon layer of fear were thus placed in humankind’s soul memories. At the beginning of every new earthly lifetime they accompany you, safely tucked away in the subconscious part of your being.

‘For a long time this has been the best defence for keeping humankind away from finding out too early who and what God truly is and who and what every human being is. Because of this the word religion is as much a misnomer as the word God. It is mistakenly used for the Creator of all life, the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. The Divine Trinity is and always has been present in everything that exists in the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. Not only that which is good, right and beautiful in every human being and your world was brought into being by the Creator, but just as much whatever to this day is still dark, evil and ugly.

‘And because the two main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love, the former is increasing everywhere and at the same time the latter keeps on disappearing. This is why, from the beginning of life everywhere in the whole of Creation – not merely in humankind’s nature and your world –, the Divine Trinity has been occupied with changing that which is dark, evil and ugly into something that’s good, right and beautiful. This is the meaning of evolution and that’s a process that will never stop, anywhere.

‘For a predestined sufficiently long time, your world’s old religions false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices have served the wise higher purpose of creating a curtain behind which the lower and lowest drives and urges of every human beings earthly nature could uninhibitedly be unfolded and explored. For a sufficiently thorough education, as befits young Gods in the making, every one of you to this day needs to experience these characteristics for themselves, first from the giving end. You then generously dish out the dark, ugly and evil streak in you to anyone who comes within your reach.

‘In a later lifetime, when your spirit/soul as well as your lower earthly self has matured sufficiently to be able to cope with what the law of Karma returns to you, you are going to find yourself on the receiving end of that which you once handed out to those around you. It will take a long time until you understand why things of this nature should be happening to you, out of all people when in your present lifetime you are working hard on being as good, kind and loving person as possible.

– To be continued. –

From ‘What Is Truth?’


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The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (7)

‘All of your world’s old religions served the wise higher purpose of helping every one of you to become familiar with their dark, ugly and evil character traces. They are present in every human being and so is that which is best, highest and most holy. Both exist in every human being, even though the latter for a long time of your evolutionary journey is there only potentially. So that the former could develop fully and undisturbed, it was necessary that people during many of their earthly lifetimes, could hide behind the façade of a Divinity that in truth never existed.

‘The deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you will become aware of this. That’s why by now ever more clear evidence is bubbling to the surface of public awareness that the religions that to this day exist in your world, always have been and to this day are nothing but instruments for exploring that which is dark, evil and ugly in humankind’s nature, individually and collectively. These character traces have been waiting for a long time to be overcome and eventually left behind entirely. This can only come about through the higher God or Christ nature in ever more of you waking up from its slumber and gradually taking over its earthly counterpart, not merely by a selected few but eventually every human being.

‘The religion of the Aquarian age is a true and real one because in due course it will connect every human being with that which is good, right and beautiful in them. The laws of love and evolution by now are assisting ever more of you to manifest the qualities of honesty and truth in everything they do. You honour and value them more than anything else, because you are aware that without them no spiritual progress will ever be possible on the earthly plane. This is what’s been hiding behind the curtain of the old belief systems. Ever more of it, for some time by now has been lifted off your world’s consciousness by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. They always have been in charge of humankind’s development and forever will be.

‘They are the ones who are raising the curtain over what’s happening these days on the earthly plane of life and why it is necessary. Not knowing about the duality of God, your own true nature and the wise higher purpose of every lifetime your lower self spends on the earthly plane, that each one of them lasts for a predestined length of time, has been shielding humankind successfully from discovering too early the truth about who and what every being is. Naturally, this happened for a wise higher educational purpose just the same as everything else that ever took place in your world and does so to this day.

‘If someone is still occupied with the first part of their earthly education and believes that they have the power of making those around them thoroughly unhappy, the way Julia’s father and the mother of Aquarius did, they have been living in an illusion. Unaware of what earthly life really is about, they have been piling karmic debts into their spiritual bank account. In one of their future lifetimes they will have be redeemed, by none other than they themselves. They will then find themselves on the receiving end of the suffering they once handed out, freely and liberally.

‘Something of this nature has been taking place in your world, on a collective scale, for some time by now and is progressing with ever increasing speed. It’s a necessary essential aspect of the watershed of humankind and your whole world being transformed, not by human beings but the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, from an over-materialistically orientated place into a completely spiritual one. This development is progressing with gigantic steps. That’s why ever more of you are waking up to the realisation of what is truly important in everybody’s life. This is the spiritual progress which every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world has always been making.

‘When for you the curtain at last lifts above earthly life’s material aspects, you realise that the only thing that ever truly mattered has been and forever will be the expansion of humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. That’s why ever more of you are becoming aware that, in the final analysis, whatever happens to your physical body does not matter anything as much as what happens to its indwelling spirit/soul.

‘After all, the physical body is merely a vehicle that your spirit/soul needs for getting around on the earthly plane. Most important of all is how much your spirit/soul learns and grows through what’s happening to its physical body and earthly personality. After all, everything on the material plane is but a gift for a predestined length of time. It has to be returned to the Earth in as good condition as possible and as soon as it has served the purpose for which it was given into your care.

‘And what happens to your earthly personality? Stored together with every one of the memories from all lifetimes in the hidden treasure house of your soul. From there it will reappear should you require another lifetime for completing your education on the material plane. And if all of that sounds too cruel to you, what do you think should happen to young Gods in the making. Eventually, every one of you will be capable of creating and destroying at will whole new worlds and everything within them.

‘Last but by no means least, let’s for a moment turn to those who are weeping because they have lost one or several loved ones recently. Do what you can to comfort them, but don’t forget to occasionally drop a pearl of your spiritual understanding unto their pathway through life. Explain that their loved ones are not dead, that they are alive and well, enjoying the greater freedom of the spirit realm, because that’s humankind’s true eternal home.

‘Help the weeping ones to realise that there is a great deal more to humankind’s existence than merely existing on the earthly plane. Explain that their dear departed will now be able to support them much better than they ever could when they were still taking part in earthly life. Those who are ready will understand and if someone is not as yet, may what you are telling them – as gently as possible – assist their higher God or Christ nature to wake up from its slumber.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’


– To be continued. –

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


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The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (8)

‘Throughout the Aquarian writings and in particular the Epilogue chapters, much has been said about Aquarius, the sign as well as the age. That’s why today we shall be taking a closer look at what both of them mean to humankind and its world. The Aquarian astrological emblem shows either a woman or a man with a container from which water is pouring. This is why to this day many in your world think that Aquarius is one of the signs of the Water element. They could not be more wrong because the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

‘The water that’s pouring from the waterbearer’s receptacle is not of the kind that’s used in your world for drinking and cleansing. The Aquarian energies always have and forever will continue to pour the cleansing and purifying waters of consciousness into the individual and collective ones of humankind. This enables human beings on the earthly plane to find a better understanding of spiritual truths. That’s why, the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more urgent the issue of making spiritual truths not only accessible but also available free of charge for every human being becomes.

‘Up to the beginning of the Aquarian age, however, for wise higher educational purposes God’s great plan of life decreed that as much as possible of the truth should remain hidden from the knowledge of humankind. This was achieved through your world’s old belief systems during which, in the course of approx. six thousand years, the patriarchy with its all-male God-head was thought to be the supreme ruler of your world. This and many other strange tales have been the curtain behind which spiritual truths had to remain hidden until the time would be right for revealing ever more of it to humankind.

‘None other than the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle are responsible for creating this curtain. That’s because they always have been and forever will be in charge of the development of humankind and your world. This is how it came about that the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, who appeared last on the grand stage of the theatre of earthly life, were supercharged with false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions.

‘However, the sign Aquarius represents the voice of the wise one or living God within. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. For a long time it has been waiting to flow ever more directly from the Highest levels of life into all human hearts and minds whose earthly receiver/transmitter station, the earthly mind, has been tuned into the frequencies of the Highest. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more of you will be able to receive that which is directly flowing from the Great Father/Mother onto the earthly plane.

‘With the passing of time, they wish to communicate ever more freely with each one of their beloved children of the Earth, their offspring. And that’s how it will come about that gradually ever more spiritual truths are going to become available to humankind. The time is over when they were meant to hide, for wise higher educational purposes, behind the curtain of your world’s old religious teachings. Having become outdated, they are no longer of any use, waiting to be discarded once and for all.

‘Anyone who was or is born when the Sun in the sky above your world moves through Aquarius has brought with them a blessing of an extra special kind. Unbeknown to many, every one of them has been granted the gift a direct line with the Highest Forces of life, in your world commonly known as God, who communicates with us through the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. They always have been and forever will be in charge of humankind’s development. It consists of constantly marching forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively. This is as true for the whole of Creation as well as lifeforms that are sharing your planet with you. God’s voice says: ‘Call Me by any name, I shall be there and never fail to respond!’

‘Blessed with the gift of a direct line are also those who were born on the 4th or 13th day of each month, as well as anyone whose progressed Sun is moving through Aquarius or the eleventh house, this sign’s natural domain. 1 + 3 = 4 is the number of Uranus, the planet who together with Saturn rules Aquarius. It’s a great pity that so many in your world are still unaware that they possess such a precious gift and therefore are unable to make good use of it. By the way, it’s unwise to use gifts of this nature for selfish purposes. They are meant to be used for the blessing and healing first of yourself and then the whole of humankind.

‘When the gift remains undiscovered by someone’s earthly self long enough, even though they merely are unaware of its presence, the spirit/soul who dwells within every human physical body, then tries to nudge its earthy self into recognising that something is amiss on the inner plane. First it sends some discomfort to the door of that person’s consciousness. If there is no response for long enough, the indwelling spirit/soul knocks more loudly and adds some pain to the discomfort that gets ever harder to bear.

‘If such a call also remains unheeded, it leaves the spirit/soul no choice but turning ever angrier with the owner of its outer physical shell. Again, this happens although the person whose temporary property the physical body is, has no idea that the pain contains an ever more urgent message from its spirit/soul. An inflammation flares up and the pain it causes is given in the hope that it might assist the earthly self’s spiritual nature to wake up from its slumbering state.

‘You need to know that every part of the human physical body is in tune with the physical as well as spiritual body of the whole of Creation. For example, human knees provide human beings with the ability to bend before the Highest and listen to what messages are coming from there, to be shared with the whole of humankind. When no attention is paid for long enough, one or the other or maybe both knees of the owner’s physical body gradually turn ever more troublesome. It is or they are getting more and more painful because the knee joints are responding through getting inflamed. Feet represent understanding, literally as well as metaphorically speaking. Eyes represent vision, not only earthly but also spiritual vision that’s meant to allow its owner access to ever higher and eventually the highest aspects of life.

‘And when at long last one of you has woken up to the fact that humankind’s existence consists of an inner and outer reality, the wisdom and understanding they are gaining enables them to enter into a dialogue with their very own wise one or living God within. Something like this: It seems that my spirit/soul is angry with me, its earthly counterpart. Why else would there be the need for an inflammation? Might this be an indication that my Highest Self wants me to spend more time on journeying within, so it can intuitively tell me where to search for and find new ways of healing my whole being, mind, body, spirit and soul?’

‘Whatever happens to you, the best way of finding something of this nature first for yourself and then to be shared with those around you, is by turning to your inner guidance. Everybody has their own and therefore does not really need to approach anyone else to ask for healing whenever something is in need of it. This kind of inner guidance is the only authority in the whole of Creation who is truly reliable. Being part of everything, it alone knows the way of all things and will never lead anyone astray.

– To be continued. –

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


* * *​
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (9a)

Dear Friends,

It’s the 31st March 2022 today and numerology tells me that it’s a propitious one for starting my new project. 31 = 3 + 1 = 4. 31.3.2022 = 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 31 = 3 +1 = 4. 4 is the number ruled by Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius with Saturn, the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac, who guards the gates into freedom of the Aquarian age. 4 + 4 = 8 = Saturn. When his role changes from teacher to rewarder, the rewards can be great and well worth having. My reward is the viewing figures of various outlets where I have been sharing my insights for a long time. First in line is Booksie. Today the viewing figure of my main file there stood at 2,734,692 when I checked it a moment ago.

On top of everything, it’s a Thursday today. This is the day of the week that’s ruled by Jupiter, the beneficial and benevolent sole ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s higher consciousness. My inner guidance, the wise one and living God within me, from today onwards wants me to share with you, all being well every day, another chapter of the notes I have been making in a kind of ‘rough and ready’ state.

That’s the way they are added to a file on my computer that’s dedicated to holding down the most important fresh insights that are flowing from the Highest level into my earthly self’s consciousness. When I am listening to music, pen and paper are usually within easy reach. Later when my computer is switched on, I transfer my notes to a special file. That’s how I have always worked when more insights were flowing into my consciousness after having written about something. For a long time I had no idea of who was speaking through me.

By the way, I have no smart-phone, merely a small Nokia 105 for sending and receiving text messages. For my writings I have always used a desktop computer, I still do. I am old-fashioned and glad to be so. The rest of the computer technology I am glad to leave to my younger siblings in the great family of humankind. At the mature age of half way between 84 and 85 years of age, this is going to be my way of winding down what started, more than twenty years ago, as ‘The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’.

Stargazing to me means tuning the receiver/transmitter station of my earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life to bring to our world what the wise ones there wish to tell humankind about the spiritual background of its world. I am enjoying it as much as ever. What I have always loved most over the years is sharing with you, in my own possibly unique manner, the astonishing insights that to this day are still coming to me.

I hope that you might like the new ones as much as you always seem to have enjoyed my more polished writings efforts. Even though the new chapters will reach you unpolished, rest assured that each one is filled with just as much love as ever. They will also be accompanied by thanks, on your behalf and mine, to the wise ones on the Highest levels of life who are sharing ever more of their knowledge and wisdom with us.

Last but by no means least, I am looking forward to meeting every one of you in the spirit realm, each in their own sweet time. I hope to get there sooner than you. As you know, a veil of consciousness to this day separates the two parts of our world from each other. Through the knowledge that’s coming our way in writings like these, the veil is disappearing a bit more and that with each passing day. From behind the it, one of these days I shall be able to support you much better than I can do now. Quite a while ago, I applied for an apprenticeship in the group who is taking care of us.

I am looking forward to learning how to be one of those who serve the people on this side of the veil, helping them to cope with their earthly existence through a steadily increasing better understanding of it. That, by the way, has always been my aim and when one of these days you return to the spirit realm, I shall be there to welcome you – if that’s what you want. God bless you, your loved ones and all the best for what’s left of your present earthly lifetime.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
• ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
• ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’


With love and light,

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When The Curtain Goes Up (9b)

‘In this chapter we shall return for a moment to the story of Jesus’ life. The deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you are going to realise that this tale is no more than a legend, which was not meant to be understood as being literally true, in all Eternity. The spiritual truth that’s been hiding for long enough by now behind this legend tells you that step by step the Jesus story is about the initiations in which the higher God or Christ nature of every human being, in the course of many lifetimes has to take part in the earthly school of life.

‘Transfiguration never happened to Jesus for the simple reason that he is not a historical figure who once walked in the midst of humankind on the earthly plane. The story of the Master’s life is but a legend. Yet, a transfiguration happens each time one of you leaves their physical body behind, as soon it has served the purpose for which it was created. One of the Angels of transformation appears to your spirit/soul and assists it to slip from its physical body.

‘This is the outer shell that each time is left behind on the earthly plane. It’s not unlike shedding an overcoat when it’s no longer needed upon entering warmer surroundings. The empty outer shell you leave behind creates the false impression that death has taken place. Yet, in truth this is merely a process of transformation that moves the most essential part of your being, your spirit/soul, to a different dimension of life into the spirit realm, which after all is humankind’s true eternal home. The process is very similar to when a beautiful butterfly leaves behind the empty carcass of its crawling ugly caterpillar development.

‘For human beings there really is no such thing as death. That’s because at the moment your spirit/soul slips away from its body, like the butterfly leaving its empty chrysalis behind, you are no longer a physical being in a material world. Once more, you are returning to being fully conscious that in truth you are a spirit/soul, most precious and valuable to your Divine parents. Each one of them starts their existence as the tiniest of sparks of the Universal Christ’s light and that is love in its purest and strongest manifestation.

‘There is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and reject the life-story of the spiritual Master Jesus altogether. How about entering into a dialogue with your higher God or Christ nature, whose symbol Jesus is, that might run something like this: I have always loved you, Jesus, and it’s good to find out that you never were a force outside of me, that you never were a historical figure who once walked among human beings on the earthly plane. I am glad to learn that you have always been a part of every one of us and that the name Jesus is but a symbolism of the higher God or Christ nature of all human beings. For a long time this name shields us against finding out too early who and what we truly are.

‘This is how it comes about that in the course of many earthly lifetimes, freely and willingly every human being’s lower personality gradually surrenders ever more of the drives and urges of their nature. As soon as they have been fully explored, they are no longer required. They merely serve as teaching aids during the initial part of everybody’s earthly education because it’s necessary to become familiar with all of them. Every human being has the lower and lowest character traces as well as the highest, best and noblest ones within. Although for a long time the latter exist merely potentially, nonetheless they are present in every one of us.’

‘With the passing of time the lower aspects of every human being’s nature is taken over by what we at that developmental stage recognise as good, right and beautiful. It exists, if at first only potentially, in every human being, therefore also in me. Jesus bleeding to death on the cross represents this part of our development. And the cross itself is the oldest symbol known to humankind of its earthly existence. That’s how everybody’s higher God or Christ nature, in the course of many further lifetimes, gradually takes over and replaces ever more of the lower aspects of our being.

‘If I were to call this aspect of my being Jesus, no-one would want to stop me from doing this, but it’s not what I want to do. It would be unwise because the name would raise a curtain between the two parts of my being. As I know now, you have been the one who for more years than I care to remember has brought the truth about our world’s spiritual background through the Aquarian writings. You are me and I am you; we are one and nothing in the whole of Creation can ever separate us from each other. Some people might like to call their higher nature Jesus, but that’s no option for me because I comprehend what this name represents. It’s good to know who and what Jesus ever was, as well as who and what I am, always have been and forever will be: a young God in the making. And as this theme has been gone into so many times before, there’s no need to do so now.

– To be continued. –

From ‘What Is Truth?’


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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

When The Curtain Goes Up (10a)

The Magic Of Music

Music is one of the most essential parts of the great Mother of all life. I am the feminine wisdom and love aspect of the Divine Trinity and the soul of the whole of Creation. Music is My voice that informs your world about the harmonies of the Heavenly Fields, on the highest levels of life. With the help of poets and composers who are serving Me, I share them with you on the earthly plane. The magic of My music has always captivated the senses of human beings, so that I could communicate with them more easily. Since time immemorial, making music and listening to it has had the power of lifting humankind above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and lifting them into My loving arms.

I inspire the making of instruments and the musicians who use them. They, like everything in the whole of Creation, are constantly moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral of life and that of the whole humankind. That’s why I constantly encourage them to aim for ever better sounds that please them, their listeners and also Me. I am mistress and servant alike, not only of those who dwell on the earthly plane but also those who on that plane are believed to be dead, when in truth the essence of their being, their spirit/soul is alive and well in My world, the spirit realm. That’s humankind’s true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each lifetime and return to when it has run its course.

As the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity, I am eternal and immortal and so is every one of you. My music responds to the needs of all who are taking part either side of the thin veil that separates your two worlds from each other. In days gone by, I used to accompany you into battle and was there each time some physical remains were laid to rest in a grave. My vibrations have the power of making humankind laugh and rejoice, weep and mourn, wonder and worship. My sound can tell stories of love and hate, of souls who have been condemned as well as redeemed. Your prayers fly on My wings and take you into My world.

I am part of the smoke that falls over battlefields, where people are dying and thinking of their loved ones. Each one of you can only learn through their own experiences that there is no glory in warmongering, merely suffering and dirt, pain and blood, as well as tears for your own misery and of those you are leaving behind.

I reach and comfort human spirit/souls when their earthly selves have to wade through the depths of depression and despair, because of the karmic debts they themselves have created in other lifetimes or earlier in this one. I open human hearts to love and I am as much present and at home on marriage altars, as christening fonts and funerals. Each time someone stands at the open grave of a loved one, who has been called home into the world of light, I console those who are left behind. I heal the inner wound that was caused by the other person’s leaving.

I am but one of the many qualities and gifts of the great Father/Mother of all life. I am the Goddess and God is My masculine counterpart. I serve Him and the whole of our creation, and vice versa. Before Me everybody is equal. Kings and their servants alike are My slaves. In the school of earthly life, I communicate with you in many different ways. The birds of the air, the insects in the fields, the crashing of waves on ocean shores and the wind sighing in the trees, all are speaking My language. And once you have become aware of My presence, you can perceive me anywhere, even in the chatter of voices and the clatter of wheels on city streets.

All life is My family and you are as much part of Me as I am part of you. The very best as well as the worst is in every one of you. And all of you are instruments that were created to serve us, the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit’s light. We in turn serve you. You are like us and we are like you. We have never left any one of you. During your race’s most traumatic experiences, the voice of My music has always served you upfront. I was there and I will never leave you. Each time one of you is wounded in mind and body, spirit and soul, listening to Me comforts and heals.

I am the inspiration behind all works of art. That’s the way I enjoy expressing and experiencing myself through you most. I have always inspired your world’s writers of poetry and prose, as well as your composers. To this day, I get some of you to write poems and others to set them to music, so that My messages can reach millions of you in this way. Some of you can use words and music together for the blessing and healing of the whole of humankind. Such gifts take many lifetimes to develop.

Everybody is gifted in some special way and the quality of what you produce depends on which evolutionary level you have reached, at any given moment and how well the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind is tuned into our frequencies. That’s how I inspired Aquarius to bring this to you. I hope that it encourage ever more of you, My beloved children of the Earth, to take to the wings of your own creative imagination. The Angels and I can then assist you to lift yourself, the whole of humankind and your world, to experience ever higher levels of life, whilst still taking part in earthly life but adding a touch of the magic and beauty of My world to everything you do.

The cosmic dance of your solar system’s planets is constantly making a sound that in your world is known as the music of the spheres. It’s My voice that always has and forever will be accompanying every one of you and the whole of Mother Earth with all here kingdoms on their journey forwards on an upwards winding spiral, in keeping with the Father’s great evolutionary plan. Every planet and house of the zodiac has a different lessons to teach and therefore plays a unique kind of music, during the times you spend attending the earthly school of life.

Whilst there, learn to pay attention to the birds, but not only their songs. They are My messengers and I am the one who orchestrates them and their movements. If you watch them, their behaviour patterns can give you valuable clues about your own motivations and what’s happening in the world around you. Their mere presence has always been trying to tell you that, in spite of the fact that you are tied to the earthly plane by your physical body for a certain length of time, your spirit/soul remains free. Every one of you has been provided with wings, just like the birds, and that’s your imagination because it enables you to go wherever and whenever you wish. As soon as you think of a place, even if it is in one of the farthest and remotest corners of Creation, you are instantly there.

And when you do not listen to the song of birds with your mind alone, you can sense the vibrations of their joy and happy feelings stir in you. They too are wings on which every one of you has the power of lifting themselves above the conditions of their earthly existence onto the higher and eventually highest levels of My realm. That’s how you can release yourself, at least for a while, from whatever could be troubling you at any given time. Music vibrations sometimes have the power of lifting you into My heart, to which yours responds with feelings of happiness. Regardless of how anxious and frightened you may sometimes feel about what’s happening in your world, when you listen to music whose vibrations deeply resonate with your innermost being, gladness fills your whole being and that increases your faith and trust in the goodness of the life that has been given to you.

Birds belong to the air element, the region of thought. They are telling you that your spirit/soul is part of their realm and that in truth it is as free as the birds. Try it out for yourself and observe how your thoughts can instantly take you into a distant corner of Creation. Every human spirit/soul has its own song. As soon as yours has become as pure and clear as that of the birds, nothing in the whole of Creation will even try to stop you from lifting yourself and the whole of humankind into the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ, so that all can share them with you.

The music of times gone by is living proof that I, the Great Mother, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, never left you. This applied particularly during the six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine and the make-believe world of a nonsensical all-male Godhead. During that time, your whole world was particularly in need of Me and My gifts.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘The Message Of The Birds’
• ‘The Lark’s Message’
• ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’


From ‘God – The Great Genius’


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The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10b)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (10b)

‘Giving the higher God or Christ nature a name, for Christians it’s Jesus, for long enough has provided our world’s old religions with the curtain that was needed for the lessons that familiarised as many as possible with as much of the lower and lowest drives and urges of their earthly nature. This is how it came about that human beings committed some of the worst atrocities against each other.

‘For example, in three hundred years of the inquisition during which Christians unashamedly hunted down and systematically killed Jews and Muslims in the most gruesome ways imaginable. This was followed by witch hunting and to this day, expresses itself in the pursuit of those who believe something different. This has by no means finished in some parts of our world. And yet, every human has their very own higher God or Christ nature and that’s the only one who truly can save and redeem every one of us and our whole world.

‘The only thing that needs doing is brining forth, from deep within our own being, that which is good, right and beautiful in that nature of every human being and act upon it. At first it only exists potentially but it is there nonetheless. This is how every one of us, in due course, will be required to contribute to making our world into an ever more beautiful, harmonious and peaceful place where it’s a pleasure to spend time. And that will gradually replace the plundering and raping of Mother Earth’s precious resources that’s still taking place as well as people unashamedly taking advantage of others for personal gains.

‘What’s the point in amassing vast fortunes when every penny of it has to be left behind, when someone’s present earthly lifetime has run its course? That’s why wise ones refuse to call their higher God or Christ nature by any name, Jesus or whatever else. And that’s why I am writing this, in the hope that some may wish to follow my example and leave behind their outdated understanding of who and what God is. Truly, it’s the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the light of the Universal Christ Star. Giving the latter the name Jesus and pretending that he once walked among people on the earthly plane, that’s been the curtain and the barrier behind which the truth has successfully been hiding.

‘This is how our world’s old belief systems developed into instruments of evil. The promise that someone existed who really could save and redeem even humankind’s worst sins enabled sufficient numbers of us to experience and explore first hand the lower and lowest drives and urges of their nature, convinced that no-one could see and observe them. This is how it comes about to this day that one part of humankind is piling karmic debts into their spiritual ledger, while others through the suffering that’s being inflicted upon them are redeeming theirs.

‘The awareness that a belief has been based upon nothing but a misinterpretation of the true meaning of something, even though it was done for wise educational purposes it was necessary, hopefully can make a basic belief easier to change into something that is true. If you wish to understand what the name Jesus really means, all you have to do is view it from the higher spiritual perspective. In that case your comprehension expands and your consciousness no longer has any difficulties recognising the true meaning of this name and why, although he only ever existed as a thoughtform, was he once presented as if as a spiritual Master he once really walked the Earth. For yourself you are then raising the curtain that for so long has hidden the truth about the Jesus story from public view and knowledge.

‘The voice of the wise one and living God within me takes over: Your world’s old religions and especially the Abrahamic ones of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have been the curtain behind which the truth about God and humankind’s true nature has been hiding long enough. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more of the truth behind the curtain is going to be revealed through those whose earthly minds are tuned into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life. This is not something for a selected few because at least potentially, every human being is one of these receiver/transmitter station who, in due course, will also be able to receive its messages, first for their own use and then for sharing with the whole of humankind.

‘There is no place in the spirit realm for anything other than that which is also of the warmth and love of the Christ spirit. Every human being on the earthly plane contains at least a spark of it. Each spark’s size depends on how many lifetimes the spirit/soul has taken part in the earthly school of life. What size your earthly self is depends on the degree of development your higher God or Christ nature has reached whenever it arrives in our world. As this theme has been sufficiently dealt with in other parts of the Aquarian writings, there is no need to delve any deeper into it here. Please follow the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘The spirit realm is not a place ‘up there’ somewhere in the Heavens above your world, where people go when they believe in that your world’s old religions to this day insist. The spirit realm is the spiritual inner aspect of the outer material plane. It’s a world that teems with life that is invisible to earthly eyes. Both parts of your world basically consist of light, the outer just the same as the inner. Through sheer willpower the Angels and Masters in charge of the development of the whole of Creation light atoms into matter, whenever this is required and that creates the illusion of two different world when in truth both always have been and forever will be one.

– To be continued. –

From ‘The Truth : Nothing But The Truth’


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