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Fucking Body!

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Senior Member
I fucking hate my body.
My foot has been spasming all day. I get it in both feet, due to an accident which damaged muscles and nerves in my legs.
If it's not my feet spasming which is incredibly painful, and I can't walk sometimes due to it, (I even have fucking crutches), it's my knee giving way again.
If it's not my knee, it's my arm, due to when I seriously self injured in feburary, spasming and freezing up. When I get cold, my arm freezes and I can't feel anything in it (the left one.).
My left foot has been fucked all day spasming constantly and my toes have been frozen up and curled all day.
Slowly getting back to normal now.
But, now, as I type, I can feel my hand going again!
It's never ending, I tell ya!
I am sorry hun...that can be awful.... I have spasims in my back, but that's because of Fibromyalgia. I am sorry you are feeling do bad, that sucks, and being in cold damp weather can't help ya much either. Try and take care of yourself hun. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

~~~:flowers: :rose:~~~

~luvs ya,
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