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give up.

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i give up.
got what i need.
just gnna go do some unfinished business
then i do it.
sorry to all who well sorry completely.
shouldnt of joined.
just caused more stupid pain for everyone.
made some shred tears.
im just sorry.
but soon it will be all ok.
all ok.. just ok.
or better.
not worse.
love you all take care of yourselfs

sarah, im not gonna sit here and and pretend i know you or your situatuion, the simple fact is i dont and i cant physically help you in time of difficulty but i can write something for you to read right now. please consider what your doing, depression is an illness and with time and treatment it can get better, and harming your self or going to extremes of killing yourself because you cant stand life no more is like giving in and im sure your stronger than that. you might not feel strong but deep down everyone has the strength to survive, please dont do this, please stay safe



ps. im here if you need to talk, ill allways be here!
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please stay and keep posting or pm me. Talk to us here.. we just want to help you. We DO care about you :hug: I can see you're having a bad time right now.. let us/me help you through it.

:hug: pleast don't do anything to hurt yourself right now. I'd miss you terribley if you did anything

I'm here hun
take care please


Active Member
Sarah, you know well my thoughts, love, so I shan't bore you with them any more. Just to say, once again, "hold on".

Please take care Sarah.
You have been, and will continue to be, in my thoughts.


Sarah, stay with me.
Cos i'll phone you.
Your the best cousin ever. And you've gotta be around for my little babba.

No one wants you to die. Your amazing.


im here.
come to find out something grrr.
so yeah.
im quite pissed off.
im not wanted here seeing as im under mod AGAIN
i did nothing.
well to me i didnt.
i was just being me.
dont like it,
tell me and ill go.
dear sarah

you have touched the hearts of so many people.... you have so many people who believe in you... please believe in yourself...and talk to us...
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