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Going out in public for first time in a while with a group I don't really know


Well-Known Member
(I'll make up the people's names to protect identity :) ) Okay so I have horrible anxiety and am one of the shyest people you could ever meet. Somehow I made friends with this girl (I'm gonna call her Lauren, I'll make up the girls names) So Lauren and I were friends for a bit from both liking anime and she introduced me to her friend Molly (who I have actually had the largest crush on for nearly 3 years now!) We started talking and have become friends and tomorrow she invited me out ice skating with her and her friends.

Bearing in mind I have only been once and I clung to the wall the ENTIRE time and never moved and I haven't actually been out properly (besides school) in a while. But the thing I am most worried about is her friends. It's supposed to be me, lauren, Molly and their 3 friends (Courtney, Olivia and Charlotte) I barely know any of them but I know that Courtney doesn't seem to be the nicest person and I have been told that she has been talking badly about me a few times. I used to be friends with Charlotte but we haven't talked properly in about 2 years and I don't really know Olivia all that much. We're supposed to skate for about 2 hours and I am terrified! I barely know them and I'm really shy and anxious and barely talk even around Lauren and Molly, even though I am their friends but I'm really freaking out over having to talk to the others. I don't want to inconvenience anyone or make anyone uncomfortable, I'm not sure what to do but I know if I don't go I will regret it and will probably never get another chance like this ever again. I've never been so scared about anything in my entire life.

Does anyone have any advice for me which could help me? (It could be anything from how to get used to ice skating for the first time, how to talk more or what to do around them) I would really appreciate it, Thankyou for taking your time to read this it means a lot.
Do you feel like you could talk to Lauren about it? She might have some insights, or be able to look out for you if she knows how you feel.

If they all know how to skate and you'd just cling to the wall, it might be better to skip the skating this time. It doesn't seem like you'd never have a chance to go out again.

If you had a few days to practice skating and get the hang of it, it would be better

If you can solidify your relationship with the other girls, and engage in activity where you can participate on an equal footing, then you might be better prepared to either win over, or defend yourself against Courtney if she decides to be mean.

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