I am nineteen years old and am depressed and have been suicidal. I have been fighting this since I was about 10, but I think it may have actually been something I was born with. I have never fit in no matter how hard I tried and I am awkward around other people. My family thinks I am completely nuts, they don't say it, but I can tell. I am so glad this site was started and I ended up hearing about it on Yahoo. Thank you for helping people who, like me, don't have anywhere else to turn.
I am nineteen years old and am depressed and have been suicidal. I have been fighting this since I was about 10, but I think it may have actually been something I was born with. I have never fit in no matter how hard I tried and I am awkward around other people. My family thinks I am completely nuts, they don't say it, but I can tell. I am so glad this site was started and I ended up hearing about it on Yahoo. Thank you for helping people who, like me, don't have anywhere else to turn.