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Healthy lifestyle


Life is a Gamble
Hello guys! I have the problem, and that is, I'm fat. But I want to change something about it. I will try to go to the gym at least once a week now, maybe even twice.

But then there's the food. And I have to say, I rarely eat healthy. I mean, what exactly should I eat please? "Make a low carp diet", what the hell is low carp? Where the hell are they in? I have no idea of what is really unhealthy, and just a bit bad.

Like, I was told "Whole grain bread is really healthy!", but on the other hand, people are telling me, "Oh no! Way too many carps!"

So what should I eat? I'm an... Ok, cook I would say. Most of the times I simply don't got all the right ingredients I need. But I never know what I cook. Some people say that stuff is healthy, others say it's the worst.

Btw, I wasn't at a fast food restaurant in months now, because I know how incredibly bad they are.


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Well done in committing to a healthier lifestyle and losing weight. Exercise is so important, not just in burning calories for weight loss, but also in releasing endorphins which help reduce stress and fight depression, so it's great that you're going to go to the gym.

When it comes to eating, a balanced diet is always best in my opinion. Some carbohydrates (carbs) are needed for a healthy diet. However, there are different sources of carbohydrates (sugars, starches and fibre) and some are much healthier than others.

Simple carbs are easy-to-digest, basic sugars, which give you a quick burst of energy. Some of these sugars are naturally occurring, such as those in fruits and in milk, and are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. However, simple sugars also include processed sugars (corn syrup etc) that are in candies, cookies, pastries and soda and which are highly calorific.

Complex carbs are found in whole grains and starchy vegetables and take more time for the body to process. That means you will get energy released at a more consistent rate which will help keep you energised throughout the day, instead of the peaks and crashes you get with simple carbs. Foods with complex carbs also typically have more vitamins and fibre, as long as you’re choosing whole grains over processed ones i.e. brown bread and rice rather than white.

So, some carbs are good but you should avoid pastries, chocolate, soda etc It is also better to eat carbs earlier in the day to get the benefit of the energy they provide. Later in the day it is better to stick to proteins (meat, fish, eggs etc) with just a little carbs from vegetables. So whole grain bread is healthy because it's a good source of fibre but just don't eat too much of it, especially later in the day.

Good luck with your healthy lifestyle. Quite a few folk on here are trying to lose weight and exercise more and recently we have had a monthly thread to set goals and encourage each other. Feel free to join us.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Hi there....

Everything in moderation, I say :) I'm obese too (I don't like the word fat), some carbs are healthy like brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice, any wholemeal carbohydrate is good for you as long as its in moderation. Eat 5 portions of fruit/veg a day. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. @Woowoo has given you excellent advice, we have a healthy eating thread in the self care and healthy lifestyles sub forum on here, you can welcome to join us, there are a few of us trying to make healthier choices and exercise but like I said everything in moderation and start small. A healthy breakfast could be porridge and a low fat yogurt with some fruit. Lunch could be turkey and veggies with a baked potato and for a dinner I'd suggest fish or chicken with your choice of veggies.

Can I be nosy and ask you what weight you are?

Fish is really good for you such as oily salmon and mackerel, they contain omega 3 essential oils which are really good for you. Turkey rashers are a good alternative to bacon rashers. As a snack nuts are good for you too especially almonds and any fruit really.

Green leafy veg like spinach,broccoli and kale have lots of health benefits too. Stay away from anything sugary (with the exception of fruit) and have lots of protein in your diet such as eggs, fish, chicken, turkey.

Here is our thread, feel free to join us, http://suicideforum.com/community/t...enge-come-join-us.145834/page-18#post-1675422
...a June one will be made this week and a member of this forum who has lost 142lbs will be sharing his story with us too :) I kindly asked him and the awesome guy that he is ..you know who you are ;) said he will share it and give us insight into how to lose weight and keep it off :)

Green tea can help speed up your metabolism and help to detox you so maybe try drinking 2-3 cups a day.

One thing I wanna ask is are you on any medication that could be making the issue even harder for you?

Wishing you the best of luck.


Life is a Gamble
Hi there....

Everything in moderation, I say :) I'm obese too (I don't like the word fat), some carbs are healthy like brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice, any wholemeal carbohydrate is good for you as long as its in moderation. Eat 5 portions of fruit/veg a day. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. @Woowoo has given you excellent advice, we have a healthy eating thread in the self care and healthy lifestyles sub forum on here, you can welcome to join us, there are a few of us trying to make healthier choices and exercise but like I said everything in moderation and start small. A healthy breakfast could be porridge and a low fat yogurt with some fruit. Lunch could be turkey and veggies with a baked potato and for a dinner I'd suggest fish or chicken with your choice of veggies.

Can I be nosy and ask you what weight you are?

Fish is really good for you such as oily salmon and mackerel, they contain omega 3 essential oils which are really good for you. Turkey rashers are a good alternative to bacon rashers. As a snack nuts are good for you too especially almonds and any fruit really.

Green leafy veg like spinach,broccoli and kale have lots of health benefits too. Stay away from anything sugary (with the exception of fruit) and have lots of protein in your diet such as eggs, fish, chicken, turkey.

Here is our thread, feel free to join us, http://suicideforum.com/community/t...enge-come-join-us.145834/page-18#post-1675422
...a June one will be made this week and a member of this forum who has lost 142lbs will be sharing his story with us too :) I kindly asked him and the awesome guy that he is ..you know who you are ;) said he will share it and give us insight into how to lose weight and keep it off :)

Green tea can help speed up your metabolism and help to detox you so maybe try drinking 2-3 cups a day.

One thing I wanna ask is are you on any medication that could be making the issue even harder for you?

Wishing you the best of luck.
I weight 300 pounds on 6'7' (150kg on 2 Meters) and No, i dont Take any meds.... Yet. I have to Go to a therapist and He probably will give me some


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
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I weight 300 pounds on 6'7' (150kg on 2 Meters) and No, i dont Take any meds.... Yet. I have to Go to a therapist and He probably will give me some
We are roughly the same weight, I have lost a few pounds though in the last month. You can lose weight too, we have a dedicated group here and we set daily goals. You can do this :) If we can, you can, believe in yourself and you'll get where you want to be, good luck x


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
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I think my medication is contributing to the enormous weight gain I've seen in the last two months. Do you think it's worth getting off it?
Medication definitely caused me weight gain and after reducing some of my medicine I feel huge difference in my appetite, I don't crave sugar any more and have lost some weight since coming down on it. I think you should ask the doctor that prescribes you the medicine as he/she may feel you need to stay on them for mental stability or whatever issues you may have. Talk to your doctor and explain how you feel the medicine has made you gain weight and see what they think of that particular med. It is very common to gain weight on certain meds. I was thin before meds now I'm obese. But I'm doing everything I can to try and reverse that. I hope you find some answers and help in losing the weight but yeah that is definitely worth mentioning to the doctor :)


Life is a Gamble
Sure thing Inno! Also I can maybe tell you guys something, yesterday I weighted myself, and to my surprise, I actually lost 16kg (33 pounds or so)!!!

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