i had no idea where to post this but since i am uncertain of heaven and hell and this forum is called the uncertainty principle i thought id put it here. anyway what is everybodys thoughts on this. is it all just man made boloney or is there substance to it. i dont wanna go to hell , but if all you do in heaven is sing praise songs and worship god i dont wanna go there either. id rather cease to exist. and why should i go to hell in the first place just because i didnt follow or love god? thats like a boyfriend telling his girlfriend if you dont love me your going to have to face some kind of consequences. the whole idea of god, or heaven and hell doesent add up there are too many holes. what are your thoughts? you have to understand i went to a christian school and was ordered to church for years so i have been religiously scarred so to speak and id like any encouragement to help pull me out.