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Hello from a reformed lurker!.

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Just thought I'd say a slightly apprehensive 'Hi' from my beige-coloured bedroom in darkest Wales, UK.

So,um - Hi!.

It's the first time Ive introduced myself on any site - I'm usually one of those perpetual lurkers.

I still feel apprehensive about posting here (although honestly, I feel that about any forum!) partly I suppose because the fact of being thirty eight! (and male by the way).

I'm not really sure why that is. Perhaps underneath it all, I felt embarrassed that Ive managed to get this old and still not miraculously become that perfectly happy, 100% emotionally secure, problem-free person I assumed I'd somehow turn into one day. Well, it didn't happen!. But I'm still here, and I'm guessing, like many others on this forum, that's a miracle in itself.
:welcome: :)
No need to be apprehensive :) We don't bite...honestly...although whips are used liberally in the chat room ;)
I guess no one is problem free. I'm glad you signed up here though :)
Take care,

Whips in the chat room?. Wow...no wonder this place is so popular - now I'm really glad I joined up!. :unsure:


Thanks for the kind welcome everyone!.
:welcome: hun!! I am glad you decided to finally join. I hope you get every bit of all the things you are looking for out of SF. If you ever need anything let me know....if you ever need to talk I am just a PM away. Take Care and I hope to see you around.



SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Welcome bluekitten;:smile:

Yes, your continued existance is a miracle, as is mine, and I owe mine in large part to the loving lovely friends here who've held me together when I was falling apart - or wanted to let myself fall apart. We will be happy to listen to anything you want to tell us, don't be ashamed of coming here - we're glad to have you join us.:smile: :smile:

You may also be interested in joining Antiquitie's Friends, the forum for us "over thirty's" (I'm 55). Again, welcome to the forum and I hope we can help you find what you are looking for.:smile:



PS; what's a 'lurker'? I've heard the word but don't know its exact meaning. The Beatles used it in A HARD DAY'S NIGHT: ..."yeah, he looks a right lurker..." but please educate me - I'm not up on the European slang that much.
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Hey thank's everyone!.

And 'least' - good to know I'm not the only old fogie round these parts!:biggrin:

Don't think I'm quite an antique yet though!.But I'll be sure to look in on the forum. Oh and by the way 'Least' - a 'Lurker' is just someone who reads but never posts. But Ive always been kinda shy.

I was trying to think of a user-name for myself. And well, I like the colour blue, and kittens (who doesn't!) so I thought "Aha - bluekitten!"

Well I just did a google search and discovered I share the same ID as a 42 year old catholic female 'looking for love' and a popular pornography site!:blink:

So just in case you ever come across my name whilst randomly surfing one day, let me just make clear that I am neither female, catholic, nor a pornographic haven for desperate middle-aged men!.:laugh:

Thankyou everyone!.

Welcome to SF. Still enough years for you to go. I'm sure you will be happy someday. I hope you'll like it here.
Take care :)


I'm not really sure why that is. Perhaps underneath it all, I felt embarrassed that Ive managed to get this old and still not miraculously become that perfectly happy, 100% emotionally secure, problem-free person I assumed I'd somehow turn into one day
You still have plenty of time though since Life expectancy in your country is 78.27 Years :)
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