Hello from another newbie

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I am a 44 year old gay lady and have been struggling with suicidal ideation since I was in my teens. Over the years, I have had periods of suicidal attempts but also periods of complacency. I cannot recall ever being happy, I go through life "tolerating" whatever happens and ultimately I guess I have always known that one day I will successfully end my life so, I guess this has also affected how I view the future.

I was diagnosed with MS 2 years ago and since then, things have been a constant struggle. I have been very depressed and my suicidal thoughts are becoming more constant and I am finding that each day, I have to convince myself that I will face another day and not end my life today. I don't know how much longer I can hold on for the sake of my family......that is the only reason why I am still here.

Thanks for listening.


Staff Alumni
:welcome: to SF. I am glad you took the time to post and share a little about yourself. Please take care. See you around the forum. :hug:


SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Welcome to the forum Des!:smile: We're here to listen to you and support you with friendship and love and compassion. Glad you found us! Welcome to our international society of friends!:smile:

Thanks for the welcome from everyone.
I sure do hope this is where I will find some relief from my constant dark thoughts.
Any support or advice would be welcomed.
Hello and welcome to the forum, the forum which helps comfort you! I got to work on my cheery posts...XD Honestly though, we are ALL happy to see you (well, MOST of us) so we can share the pain and bear through hard times.
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