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New Member
I have had suicidal thoughts every single day for months. Please tell me what to do. I cannot get them out of my head. I cannot go a single day without thinking of killing myself. If this continues I don't know what I will do.


Hey m8, same thing here. I've had it on and off for many years and just like you i am getting really sick and tired of the whole thing as it's really wearing me down and as you said it's getting to the point where I just don't know how much I can stand or where the line is drawn. Unlike you however I dont have it every night. It usually comes in periods for me.

As I have said in my first introductory post, I don't really want therapy, even though for example my ex has said it might be a good idea for me. If you think you need to talk to a psychologist however, then don't be ashamed to do so. There is absolutely no shame in seeking help. At the moment I sound like a total hypocrite due to the fact that I am so scared of talking to someone about this myself.

Sometimes random events in your life can help guide you. 2 days ago i helped an old lady with her shopping bags to the busstop because I saw her lose her balance as i walked past. The happiness I lent her and the conversation I had with her to the busstop was one of the only meaningful things that has happened to me in several years. I guess I am saying things can sneak up on you and don't think that you have explored all the options yet.

Just ideas, sorry if I have totally missed the point. Practical advice if therapy is a nono (like me), try to analyse your feelings. Isolate them and expore them. Ask yourself why do i feel like this, and if you can't answer that ask yourself when you first remember feeling like that. What happened around the time when you first started feeling like that etc. Break it down. I don't like medicines, I think the human body is a piece of divine machinery so I like to try and let the immune system handle itself on it's own. Probably not the best view to have with respect to this forum but that's just me.

I can't give you any other advice, i am in a similar situation and honestly don't know what to do either. Is there anyone you trust enough to talk to about it?



New Member
No one. :sad: I don't know many people.

I cannot seek psychiatric help for private reasons.

I'm tired of school. I never have fun anymore. I can never relax.

My life is repetetive and boring. I don't see the point and I don't know what to do. Nothing interests me and to top of it off I am completely alone.

The way I see it is, ending it all would bring nothing. But is nothing better than what I have now? :confused:


I'm also studying at the moment, and I won't go into details but I am without my family so I am also alone. I completely agree with you that it's really repetative in it's structure and really only the odd tidbit of interesting fact can be considered satisfying. However the most important point you made was that even less will come from you ending it. Nothing is nothing. Depending on if you are religious or atheist you will have different opinions on what comes later but I honestly feel like the odd tidbit is better than nothing.

Then I would also like to point out I don't have a clue how bad you feel at the moment so I can't weigh up the pros and cons for you. The only thing I can do is be 100% honest with my opinions and feelings. I feel that even though many times I feel shit and have wanted to die many times, sometimes things happen that make me think that I'm glad I am still here, even if in the low periods I don't reflect this way at all.

It's easy to think that a current situation is the norm for all things to come. For example like when studying. In work situations or other environments,. countries,.. etc. all kinds of different things can happen. If it's at the breaking point you could always pretend that you have died already, been given a new start, and can start to do anything you have always wanted. Drop everything and do whatever you want. Look i'm really sorry as I am writing this I realise I'm not even following any advice I am giving,, I hate hypocrites XD maybe this forum was a bad idea for me.

Sorry for the ramble, i'm not really very focused right now.


Antiquitie's Friend

I know how you feel... it really is difficult at times isn't it? Sometimes I wonder why some of us are wired so differently than others are. Some people can go through life and it appears as if everything just simply bounces off of them and others - well.... I guess we feel a little deeper for reasons that I can't figure out.

What I do understand is how grateful I am to know that there are others like me (like us) that can come to a place like this and share our feelings - we aren't alone in this.

I've been coming here for years now and it's like a secret family that I don't have to share with anyone else - and now you are part of it too! Everyone has different types of problems but there are some very nice people here that are willing to listen. I hope you continue to visit and I hope to hear from you soon.



go to your local library and get some documentaries or books on Near Death Experiences, reincarnation, Buddhism, and meditation.

that should keep you busy for a few million lifetimes :)

I have had suicidal thoughts every single day for months. Please tell me what to do. I cannot get them out of my head. I cannot go a single day without thinking of killing myself. If this continues I don't know what I will do.


Antiquitie's Friend

It's me again.....

I'm still thinking of you and hope you are doing well.

I really do understand how you feel. For me, I believe I just feel a little deeper than most do and at times I wish I didn't and wish a knew how to be be a hard #!ss _ but I'm working on being somewhere in between.

I big hug goes out to you!


Active Member
Hello Jen,

Its two years after your post that I am replying here.
I am not sure if this will be replied.
Do we have to keep visiting our posts to check if there is a reply or we get any intimation ? I am sorry I dont know these basic things , its just my second day here.

I dont know how to include the quotes so I have copy pasted here. The lines that you had written :
I wonder why some of us are wired so differently than others are. Some people can go through life and it appears as if everything just simply bounces off of them and others - well.... I guess we feel a little deeper for reasons that I can't figure out.

What I do understand is how grateful I am to know that there are others like me (like us) that can come to a place like this and share our feelings - we aren't alone in this.

I've been coming here for years now and it's like a secret family that I don't have to share with anyone else - and now you are part of it too!

These are exactly the feelings I have. You might not have thought when you wrote these that they can effect any person so much as they did to me. Thanks for writing them.
I hope you reply to me.

Thank you again,
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