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HI.... a new one

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Hi, sorry for my english I don't live in USA.
I'm another one who often thinks about ending his life because my life is a pity.
I am basically always alone. I am very shy, I have a very hard time making friends and people don't like spend their time with me.
As now I am in a two weeks holiday and I am seeing nobody. I live with my mom and my sister. They don't help me and we hardly talk.
Sometimes i meet new people, after a day they see that I am depressed and they quit as soon as they can.
Then I open the TV and they show you millions of people who are dying, who are suffering, who are poor and this makes want to disappear from the face of the earth.


Well-Known Member
Quinzio1 said:
Hi, sorry for my english I don't live in USA.
I'm another one who often thinks about ending his life because my life is a pity.
I am basically always alone. I am very shy, I have a very hard time making friends and people don't like spend their time with me.

--you are the shy one and if you keep to yourself, ofcourse others won't be there. get off your comfort zone and meet them. you can't say people don't want to spend their time with you as you can't read their mind and even if that were true, that would apply to 'some' people, not everyone. people like to spend their time with cats, let alone human beings.

As now I am in a two weeks holiday and I am seeing nobody. I live with my mom and my sister. They don't help me and we hardly talk.

--do you need to be seing anybody? said who? as for your mum and sister, why don't YOU help them and talk to them? maybe they think the same about you. give, and it shall be given unto you!

Sometimes i meet new people, after a day they see that I am depressed and they quit as soon as they can.

--fake that you are not depressed. the way to do that is to forget about yourself and shift your focus on them. ask them questions about themselves. you are a speck in this big universe. always remember that. but you have got so much to offer; if you forget yourself. go to a hospital or home and talk to other depressed people and your depression will go away. what you give, you get! try it. i didn't believe this either.

Then I open the TV and they show you millions of people who are dying, who are suffering, who are poor and this makes want to disappear from the face of the earth.

--sponsor one of them. a quarter a day. do something to help atleast one of them. as for the dying people you see on t.v, know that we shall all dye. they are on their way to heaven. as for the suffering, this world is a test and its only temporary. You think they are really suffering but trust me, you can't be given a test that you can't endure. i gurantee you that those poor people you see on t.v are not half as depressed as the relatively well off people on this forum.

anyways, don't worry too much. you sound like you care so much about humanity and you are not self centered nor selfish; if when you see people suffering, you wanna get out of the face of this world. thats a sign that you are compassionate and God is telling you to do the little you can. its a test.


Staff Alumni
hi .. sometimes helping can ease the pain we see others feeling... and it can ease the pain we feel.. in time those who matter will like you... could be u are meeting people who do not share your compassion and depth of spirit..

hugs and hopes
Welcome to the forum, Quinzio...
I'm sorry you find it so hard to make friends :( I can sympathise with you not seeing anyone while you are on holiday, I've been on holiday for a couple of months now (break before going to uni next month) and I've hardly seen anyone either.
As for the people on TV...for a lot of them, to all intents and purposes there is nothing we can do. I mean, we could give money and trust that they will be helped. But that's pretty much it. Comparing your life to that of someone else is always pointless, because in the end it's not whose problems are bigger that matters, it's how your problems affect you.
I hope you find the friendship and support that you are looking for here :)
Take care,

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