Hi everyone, I'm new & probably need a buddy who is around 42 - 48 male or female

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New here on this website and right now at work having a panic attack. I'm bi-polar and have a 20 yr old daughter in the Army who was medically evacuated from Afghanistan after 8 months because she was suicidal... They flew her to Germany where she was hospitalized for a week before they flew her back to the states to her duty station. I was a wreck because I did not hear from her for 4 days. Thank God for the family rediness support administrator at her duty station which gave me updates daily on her status. As soon as she got back to her station, we drove all night to help her get settled (and of course to help me keep my sanity). Now 2 weeks ago, my 14 yr old daughter started having panic attacks and is now seeing a psychiatrist. Then, as if things are bad enough... my 22 yr old nephew committed suicide in Feb of 2010 (he had a 4.0 in computer science and had only 2 months until graduating from college). A couple of months ago, his sister became suicidal and had to go back home from college out of state. Our family is screwed up and I can't help but feel so guilty that my daughters are the way they are because of me. AND I recently was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrom and gained a bunch of weight and I feel like a fat slob. I have always had to watch my weight, but now I keep gaining even though I was exercising and eating 1200 to 1500 calories a day. Hopefully on 5/18 when I go to my first appointment at the Metabolic clinic they will be able to help me. Since I had kept gaining weight, I gave up and just don't give a chit anymore. I went from 135 to 195 in a few months... sucks to be me :(


Well-Known Member
Hi Kristy..you certainly do have a lot to deal with ..
I'm so sorry for the loss of your nephew and the trauma your daughters are going through

I hope things go well at the clinic for you
I don't know what metabolic syndrome is but will look it up later

My family suffers with mental illness and I lost a child to suicide..that was the fifth suicide on my Dads side..
there are many kind people here who will offer support..I hope it helps you feel less alone

I also have another child who suffers with depression and suicidal thoughts
I'm glad you all have some help forthcoming..let us know how it goes

panic attacks are terrible..I've had to get meds for mine as I was almost blacking out..I know how scarey they can be and I hope you find a way to overcome them.

I hope you keep reaching out for support :console:


Banned Member
Hi, Kristy. Know if you need someone to speak with 1-on-1, all you have to do is ask and I can help. Don't have to be alone anymore. Let's walk you through this one step at a time.
Thank you for your replies. I'm at work now and feel very overwhelmed and aggitated. Everything is getting on my nerves, but at least I haven't yet cried today. I'll try to make it through with no tears at work :(
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