I watch him, looming over ther bed, smiling, grinning. Knowing what I am going to give him.
I love him.
He touches me, and its red hot pain on my skin, his hand moves lower. a tear slides down my cheek, a tear he cannot, or will not see.
His hand, unbottons my clothes. My head is screaming. I try to push him away but hes too strong.
His hands, they are firm and hard and cold. but they push into me and its agony, my sobs of pain are screams of pleasure.
My veins are full to bursting as he kissing my face and neck, his salty sweaty lips smothering my face.
He pushes further still, burning and searing into my flesh, tearing me from the outside in.
It hurts so much I clamp my hand over my mouth to stop myself from crying out. But he pulls it away and replaces it again with his mouth. licking my mouth and making me gag.
He finally gets off me. The weight of him is released form ym chest and I can finally breathe.
I dont tell him, but he knows.
Hes taken the last flicker of love from my eyes.
Im lost to him.
I love him.
He touches me, and its red hot pain on my skin, his hand moves lower. a tear slides down my cheek, a tear he cannot, or will not see.
His hand, unbottons my clothes. My head is screaming. I try to push him away but hes too strong.
His hands, they are firm and hard and cold. but they push into me and its agony, my sobs of pain are screams of pleasure.
My veins are full to bursting as he kissing my face and neck, his salty sweaty lips smothering my face.
He pushes further still, burning and searing into my flesh, tearing me from the outside in.
It hurts so much I clamp my hand over my mouth to stop myself from crying out. But he pulls it away and replaces it again with his mouth. licking my mouth and making me gag.
He finally gets off me. The weight of him is released form ym chest and I can finally breathe.
I dont tell him, but he knows.
Hes taken the last flicker of love from my eyes.
Im lost to him.