Hun, i want you to think about what im about to write ok? You've said to me that you care bout me and dont me to harm myself in away, and that your life would somewhat be empty to some extent if i died (personally i dont see that, you said something along those lines, its just me nothing special so i dont see why you would say that but anyway....its hard to explain in words what im saying in my head if you get what i mean)
my point is.... that you feel its ok care for you to care about people but when people say they care about you, you seem to feel insecure about it, like its not right for people to care about you, i think your really cautious around people, finding it hard to trust incase they betray or hurt you in some way, but my point is they way i care for you is the same reason that you say you care for me, the exact same reasons, so why is that wrong? You dont need to understand it but accept it because people do care for you because your such a lovely person. You dont need to understand it, its like me turning aroudn to you and saying 'Kath i dont understand why you care about me' i know the reason you care, you care because thats you, because your a loving caring person. I know its a hard thing to understand but in order to understand you need to be able to see what everyone else see's in you but you dont wanna accept what a wonderful person you are.
You dont seem to accept that people do care! you feel like no one could possible like or care about you right? kath hun you dont understand what an amazing person you are, you dont realise it, im 100% sure that who ever knows you like i do will say the same, you seriously are the most amazing person iv ever known, i dont know what id done with out you, i know we've know each other for less than a month but believe me its been a really enjoyable month, when iv felt down your the one who puts a smile on my face, when i see your name on the online list i get a big grin on my face because i know your here, knowing your as ok as can be, just seeing you online puts my mind at rest so much! i do worry about you! when i was at college i kept playing you PM's over and over in my mind, praying you were ok, iv told you this a million times before and it come from the bottom of my heart,
i dont wanna lose such an amazing person like you from my life to me that would be like losing one of my best mates and that would serious devestate me. Kath take eveything iv said on board and accept it because you:
dont question what me or anyone say because believe me when somone says something positive about you they
DO mean it, you dont see that, but it is true, trust me i wouldn't lie to you would i.
hun trust me you are special please dont question that, and dont question why people care about you.
Think about what i've just said because everything thing is true and came from my heart.
i love ya to bits!
i dont wanna lose ya ok?
love ya vikki XxXxX
*gives kath a big hug!* (a hug that will never end and will constantly be with you to keep you safe and let you know im allways here for you for anything)
I got a lump in my throat writing that! :cry: (in a good way i surpose :smile
ps. worry if the post looked a bit 'mumbled' I couldnt get it how i thought in my head.