Honestly, What is the point?

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Well-Known Member
I mean really. Let's all spend a third of our lives in school working our asses off, then go out into the real world and spend the rest of our lives in a cubicle in front of a desk! that sounds worth living! Then, after 50 years or so of being a desk jockey, you retire and then have to worry about getting to the bathroom before you shit yourself. Honestly, I would not want that. I don't want to waste my time in school if I'm going to end up in a cubicle for that long, then go through the indignity of getting old.
I agree 100%. Life is mundane and long and you go out just as you came in, bald, chubby and shitting yourself. The day I become incontinent is the day I will end it, and anyone who tries to stop me is coming with me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I agree with that fully. But why not just end it beforehand? I mean, with death imminent, wouldnt something like school or work just be a waste of time?
Honestly? For me it's because of my children, they need someone to take care of them, and losing me would hurt them. I love my babies and they are my only reason to live and the only thing that makes me genuinely happy. The moments in my life that I actually enjoy all involve my little ones, each and every one of them. If I didn't have them, I would not be alive today and sometimes I almost resent them for that, because other than my love for them I have nothing worth living for.


Well-Known Member
You're very lucky to have children like that in the first place, and I envy you a bit for that. But I'm just saying since i'm in high school wouldn't it make more sense to off myself maybe when college finishes since there is really no point to living? For me anyway, I feel that unless I end up doing something I enjoy like marine biology or something, It's better to avoid the monotony of work and just life in general.
The reason my children make me so happy is because I am passionate about being a mother and I have been since I was very young. You have to find your passion and be determined to make that your life. If you are passionate about marine biology then start working at it now, study study study it and make it your life! Buy books and go out exploring and prep early for college and then maybe one day, you will be the discoverer of a new species of the deep! Make your interest a passion and you will have a reason to exist.


Well-Known Member
But all that work... I'm in regular classes and doing terribly because I just cant bring myself to do the homework. I get the material (except for spanish. fuck that.) but the homework and projects and everythin is too much. And for what? maybe get into a college and have the same shit over again? granted, there'll be parties to keep me occupied and such, but what about doing something in marine biology? I love sharks, I want to study them and find everything out about them, but I have the worst work ethic ever and I'm pretty socially awkward. I pretend that I dont give a shit about anything in public but in private I just wish I could be like my friends that are in all honors/AP classes and doing really well in them.
Motivation is the hard part, this is for sure. It's something you have to force yourself to do by looking towards the outcome, instead of the bullshit of it all.


Well-Known Member
I know, and I can do it but not for extended periods of time. Like i have stages that last maybe 2-3 weeks and then after that for maybe a month I can't do anything. Then I spend nearly every weekend after that slaving away trying to make up the work with my parents screaming and yelling thinking that it will somehow make me get my shit together when all it really does is make it worse. Fuck my life.
I read all of your comments on this thread and I feel EXACTLY the same! We spend so much time working and if we dont we end up poor, hungry and suffering! I can't do this anymore. I havent exactly spent my life being beaten and abused, in fact I've had a perfectly good life, but for some reason I can't do this anymore. I am done with the hours of school, work, homework, just everything!
I can't go back to that, I have to get out. I can't be stuck in this machine that is life anymore. If only death were easier and there wasnt so much pain involved.
I wish us both good luck for the future. Hopefully we win the lottery or die in our sleep or some shit.


Well-Known Member
I agree. When I think of the future and what it holds, it's all bleak. I know the day will come when my parents will die, and then my siblings (as I'm the youngest) and my cats, and perhaps even some friends. All that pain is waiting for me just around the corner, and none of us knows when it will come. What's the point in carrying on living knowing that we're gunna get hurt and ripped apart like that?


Well-Known Member
I had these same feelings every night as I sleep and when I wake in the morning. I even pray for a disease to take me because I'm too afraid of suicide. You try to do good and be good in this world, but what reward is there? I struggle everyday, fight the demon inside, but really life is just bland and sad.
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