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How Are You Feeling Right Now?


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@Lane @MisterBGone thanks guys. Last night I felt so depressed because I felt (well I still kinda do) like a failure because I still have not found a job and my family seemed a bit pissed that I'm still unemployed. I really don't want to be a burden. Of course I'm doing my best but I still have got nothing. I'm also annoyed about the fact that this job that I thought would re-hire me (which I've talked about here) still have not replied to my last email, and it's been about a month now. But then I remember that last year, when they were going to hire me, they were doing it in around April/May. At least give some closure. I don't really know what to do, like should I send another email asking about any update or something like that.
I wish your family was more understanding. Job hunting is not easy, especially if you're looking for a particular type of job. This job should've sent an email back, shame on the HR dept. I would wait a little bit, then send another email in a week or two, what have you got to lose? *console
I'm sorry you've been feeling this way, @puffymilk - but let me be the first to tell you that you are not a failure! It may feel that way, thanks to your parents, and the unnecessary, and undue pressure, as well as influence in the negative direction that they are influencing on you (& that can become infectious)... but to me: you are trying! So that is not giving up; as many might do, in your shoes--when met with some resistance, or a little bit of rejection. Which comes with the territory when you are in the job market, or on the hunt for one - unless you happen to get lucky. So Just keep your head up, try to ignore your parents complaints. For they are not helpful, clearly. And just pursue what you can. I'm sorry I don't have any advice to give on if it would be a good idea to contact your prospective (old) / new employer again - if, after one month's time of not having received a reply: which I'm presuming the last message, or email was a reaching out of type correspondence, in order to check and see about a status, update - perhaps? Or do I have that wrong... If you think they may very well not be hiring for another month or two, well I don't know, I just don't want to give you poor advice here and to some extent it depends on if you think this is just a lack of communication, or how your overall read of the company is, or happens to be. Anyway, some people approach trying to find work as their actual job, until they've found it. It sounds like you are adopting closer to that mindset than not, but also do understand the realities of the situation are not always as easy as they might other wise be for a whole variety of factors & reasons. So, maybe look at it as, or from this more hopeful perspective, the fact that you're not tied up at some crappy job, that you'd rather not work at but for making the ends meet or whatever the case happens to be. . . So now, instead of, you've got the time to really take a good look & try to find something that suits you best. As opposed to be constrained by time or energy that would be otherwise taken up, or drained from having been wrapped up & involved in a current position. Maybe much easier said than done - but nonetheless, that's what I might do, if I were capable of, and not too beaten down by my parents to the point where my self confidence, and my self worth, were so miniscule, that it was hard to draw a single breathe, without maximum effort, at times. : )
Thank you so much Mr. B. That really put me at ease. *hug
I wish your family was more understanding. Job hunting is not easy, especially if you're looking for a particular type of job. This job should've sent an email back, shame on the HR dept. I would wait a little bit, then send another email in a week or two, what have you got to lose? *console
I was trying to be more positive by thinking, oh maybe they're currently preparing (like preparing some kind of strategy, maybe?) for a new hire now and will do the actual hiring process in April (or somewhere around that), so hopefully I'm right or I'll have another opportunity.


SF Pro
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I was trying to be more positive by thinking, oh maybe they're currently preparing (like preparing some kind of strategy, maybe?) for a new hire now and will do the actual hiring process in April (or somewhere around that), so hopefully I'm right or I'll have another opportunity.
I think the positive thinking is the best strategy overall. Of course there'll be dips n waves while job hunting but you got this puffymilk! *shake


πŸ”₯ A Fire Inside πŸ”₯
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My aunt and uncle on my father's side in Ukraine had a watchdog, who even bit and barked at all the family members. He bit my cousin from what I recall. And I was only a few years old and I climbed right into his doghouse. My mother and aunt saw me in there through the window and screamed in terror. They came rushing out, and behold, I was completely unharmed! He became like a little puppy beside me, guarding me and enjoying my presence, as I enjoyed his. This reminds me so much of the book of Daniel when he was thrown in the lions den and they didn't harm him at all. God kept me safe. He's so amazing and wonderful.


Well-Known Member
why do i have such trouble digesting anything
If you can, ask your GI doc about EPI. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. If your pancreas isn't making enough digestive enzymes, it can cause big problems. i have only been diagnosed for 2 yrs now... life changing! Spent 50 yrs of agony and over 20 yrs of going to Drs and giving up, trying again n giving up cycle, before a simple test figured it out.


Well-Known Member
Please know that you are none of those bad things you say about yourself. You believe them, yes, but they are not true. I think you just need some help. Maybe professional, even? Don't hesitate to ask for it, if you fear for your safety. For we want you to be well. So that you can have the chance at finding those things which will give you some fulfillment in life. And bring you happiness, and satisfaction. As opposed to self-destruction. Because that can be, a rather repetitive cycle, that is hard to break free from... once in the throes of. Hope you can keep speaking to us, too, if & when you can--& provided of course, that you find it in any way helpful at all. Try and have a good night. See you later @zuzu ~
Thank you for your words it has been over 5 years, I cannot wait any longer, there is no justice for me. I am being treated as a laughing stock. My husband is wasting his money and although he is kind of homeless, he is spending his money as crazy. I opened his mail and I found out the only thing I can do now is revenge I know is wrong ,but I need money and I will start to sell some of his stuff. Since he is on a non contact order, he does not have the guts to ask the police to pick his stuff. Although today I spoke with a counsellor and told her the truth that I am extremely suicidal, and here in Canada if I say that they can take me to the hospital for an assessment which is bullshit the only thing I need is love and support and being heard and understood. No treatment and medication will help. The medical profession on mental illness is discusting. They are getting paid by making other people's miserable and they get awards. A simple thing can change everything. I need justice.


SF Supporter
Thank you for your words it has been over 5 years, I cannot wait any longer, there is no justice for me. I am being treated as a laughing stock. My husband is wasting his money and although he is kind of homeless, he is spending his money as crazy. I opened his mail and I found out the only thing I can do now is revenge I know is wrong ,but I need money and I will start to sell some of his stuff. Since he is on a non contact order, he does not have the guts to ask the police to pick his stuff. Although today I spoke with a counsellor and told her the truth that I am extremely suicidal, and here in Canada if I say that they can take me to the hospital for an assessment which is bullshit the only thing I need is love and support and being heard and understood. No treatment and medication will help. The medical profession on mental illness is discusting. They are getting paid by making other people's miserable and they get awards. A simple thing can change everything. I need justice.
No problem. I'm sorry to hear of your severe & significant dilemmas on multiple levels. If all you truly need is love and support, as well as those who will comprehend what it is you are saying to them... then could you not give those things one final go, before you go? (so to speak!)... That seems, to some certain extent, a bit more workable as in some of it is in your control, and not requiring then, professional help. Yes the Hospital is there for keeping you from harm's way. That's the primary function, should you choose to utilize it. Destabilize - or am I saying that wrong? - to get you stable and not in state of needing crisis intervention. The ones I am familiar with, no idea how it is where you live. Are short term only. So not for rehab, but again, to keep you from hurting yourself. So that is there should you change your mind, and decide you want to instead live. 5 years is a long time. Again, I'm sorry things have been so bad for you, and it seems as though a whole lot or ton of it, hasn't even been your doing or fault. So this is why I'd wish you 'd change your mind & reconsider. That said, I can respect your wishes either way. Please keep talking here if you find anything good comes out of it. You sound like you've got a lot going for you, in spite of all you say, so this is why I'd wish you'd change your mind. Anyway, have a good evening! : ) And take care of yourself @zuzu ~ mr. b


Works during the day, doodles at night.
If you can, ask your GI doc about EPI. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. If your pancreas isn't making enough digestive enzymes, it can cause big problems. i have only been diagnosed for 2 yrs now... life changing! Spent 50 yrs of agony and over 20 yrs of going to Drs and giving up, trying again n giving up cycle, before a simple test figured it out.
thanks 😸
my dr is currently reassessing B deficiencies first as I can'f even digest meat. like I feel tired all the time after meals, before meals symptom has been treated which is understandable but after meals symptom is a struggle like tired and nauseas all over even with small portion of meals frequently. πŸ₯Ί


Well-Known Member
tired and nauseas all over even with small portion of meals frequently.
This is because it's shutting down all unnecessary functions to digest the food. i can't digest anything. Started with difficult items like meats and fats. Not it's anything but water. i'm no professional, however i have learned a lot about how it works for my particular situation... more like how it isn't working. Please don't give up and keep pinging them for answers. There's a reason for it and you deserve to not suffer through it.


Retired Cat Staff
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I'm Ok but a bit flat. I've got one remote meeting tomorrow, which is confirmed, and could have a day off on Thursday. I've a suspicion the person I'm supposed to be seeing is going to ghost me, so I messaged to ask if they want to confirm the meeting or not. They keep going on and offline so they're clearly able to access their messages. I'll wait until tomorrow then take the initiative and cancel the meeting already. I hate this sort of behaviour. If you don't want the meeting just fricking tell me. FFS. Aside from that my contract work (at least the stuff I like) has somewhat dried up for now, so it looks like I'll be taking it easy for a few days. Treated myself to a new channel so I guess I'll veg out and watch tennis or something! Think I'll take it easy up to Easter πŸ˜ƒ

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