I'm sorry you've been feeling this way,
@puffymilk - but let me be the first to tell you that you are not a failure! It may feel that way, thanks to your parents, and the unnecessary, and undue pressure, as well as influence in the negative direction that they are influencing on you (& that can become infectious)... but to me: you are trying! So that is not giving up; as many might do, in your shoes--when met with some resistance, or a little bit of rejection. Which comes with the territory when you are in the job market, or on the hunt for one - unless you happen to get lucky. So Just keep your head up, try to ignore your parents complaints. For they are not helpful, clearly. And just pursue what you can. I'm sorry I don't have any advice to give on if it would be a good idea to contact your prospective (old) / new employer again - if, after one month's time of not having received a reply: which I'm presuming the last message, or email was a reaching out of type correspondence, in order to check and see about a status, update - perhaps? Or do I have that wrong... If you think they may very well not be hiring for another month or two, well I don't know, I just don't want to give you poor advice here and to some extent it depends on if you think this is just a lack of communication, or how your overall read of the company is, or happens to be. Anyway, some people approach trying to find work as their actual job, until they've found it. It sounds like you are adopting closer to that mindset than not, but also do understand the realities of the situation are not always as easy as they might other wise be for a whole variety of factors & reasons. So, maybe look at it as, or from this more hopeful perspective, the fact that you're not tied up at some crappy job, that you'd rather not work at but for making the ends meet or whatever the case happens to be. . . So now, instead of, you've got the time to really take a good look & try to find something that suits you best. As opposed to be constrained by time or energy that would be otherwise taken up, or drained from having been wrapped up & involved in a current position. Maybe much easier said than done - but nonetheless, that's what I might do, if I were capable of, and not too beaten down by my parents to the point where my self confidence, and my self worth, were so miniscule, that it was hard to draw a single breathe, without maximum effort, at times. : )