How is it possible to come out of the closet?

hmm, theres only a ew really freaky things i can think of that are illegal in some countries, but not in others. none of which are wholesome by any means, but anyway....

if your fetish doesnt hurt anyone (anything?), and you gain hapiness from it, then id say you havent much to worry about. as far as legality is concerned, if its something thats illegal in many countries, then youre going to have to deal with the fact that there will be people wholl fight against it no matter where it happens. if its illegal in your country, then openly breaking the law may not be the best route.

honestly, seeing as though i dont have a clue what youre talking about, for all i know i could be wildly against it. in any case, many times its best to roll with the punches, and lay low with these kinds of things. youre doing something that many people are morally against, this much can be asserted, and youve got to realize that youll never be able to fight the majority on something like that. if youre doing something that could gain you a prison stay somewhere, and the public eye is against you, then embrace the fact that youre not in jail and that youre a member of a small minority. trying to openly fight it could potentially draw you out as a pariah, and not to say that some causes arent worth fighting for, its just that some battles will benefit no one.


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Hi Summer,

I think you should do what you feel is right. None of us know what the issue is, if you feel coming out of the closet could make things worse maybe it's best to keep it to yourself or start by telling someone very close to you that you know won't judge, or better still a therapist :hug:

Good luck!

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