Yep, only other thing to consider, if you're not looking to (& not suggesting that was the sole goal, or purpose here) weed people out... just if you have somebody who falls somewhere in the middle of this, then you may make them hesitate, or think twice, if you paint yourself with this brush. Or give them that kind of perception that this who you are: first, foremost, & etc. Might be kind of hard to see what I am trying to say. But if you'd met someone else who came right out and said a particular thing, that was fairly non or not open-ended. And it could paint a picture where, you're not really ever going to maybe even get the chance to know them, either at all (because they won't give you one). Or everything they learn about you from then on - or for the first little while - will be viewed through this filter. In other words, as I've said, that will come or be, the first & last thought, potentially & maybe, running through his head at all times. Instead of--the more casual- I have this/that/or the other thing you're going to instead learn about me. Whether that be something of my biography, my hobbies & interests, etc. Don't know if that's making much sense, and only trying to offer an alternative perspective here, is all! Certainly and simply no harm in doing so as you've done here. That is for sure. : ) So good luck, with it, or this-