How much should I really tell my therapist?

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I know I need to be open and honest. But I'm not sure how much I can say about my feelings without ending up in a hospital. I want to tell him everything...but I feel I can't. I just don't know if I would cross his internal boundries and set off a chain reaction I don't want. I want to get better but the hospital is out of the question. I have already drew a line in the sand as far as going into a hospital. Been there once and will never let it happen again. What do I do? How should I address this with my therapist? Any ideas?


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Hi there, I have always been 100% honest with my therapists, after all I couldn't see the point in even having a therapist if I could not be honest.
So the simple answer is; tell them everything then your next step is to talk about how the stay in the hospital did not help you and made you feel worse, they may be able to get a nurse to call to your home on a regular basis to see everything is okay, another possibility is you can sign a waiver ( a lot of people do this) to promise you will keep yourself safe. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to your mental health.

That's the best advice I can offer you :)
Hi there, I have always been 100% honest with my therapists, after all I couldn't see the point in even having a therapist if I could not be honest.
So the simple answer is; tell them everything then your next step is to talk about how the stay in the hospital did not help you and made you feel worse, they may be able to get a nurse to call to your home on a regular basis to see everything is okay, another possibility is you can sign a waiver ( a lot of people do this) to promise you will keep yourself safe. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to your mental health.

That's the best advice I can offer you :)
Thanks Petal I will talk to my therapist about this today when I see him. I feel I need to tell everything but I really just don't trust people. And while my therapist hasn't given me any reason not to trust him I still worry I'm gonna say the wrong thing and cause him to force me into a hospital.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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That is perfectly normal to feel this way, maybe you should build up to your honest feelings in increments so you will know what to expect, how he will react! Perfectly normal to be worry and the good thing is your therapist will be used to this. Best of luck :hug:
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