How seriously do you take your dreams?

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Misknown Member
let me give u a general answer, so my dreams sometimes i think im lucid dreaming since i can feel objects in my dreams talked to people and kind of "recognize" others and sometimes Remember what people in my dreams say so i believe they are at time the manifestation of some of my fears. since 99% of my dreams there is someone trying to kill me. but a lot of the times i believe its in a parallel universe since i depict a different "role" in each dream and no one them are similar to my real self. so the bottom line is i view them as a playing a "role" somewhere for a short amount of time and sometimes foreshadowing since i had a dream that i was forced to be a human test monkey for pandemic vaccine that failed i could still Remember the feeling at the end of the dream where i was bleeding out of the holes of my nose my mouth and ears all at once and my eyeballs rolled back into my head before everything went back and i woke up in my bed again
Have you ever been given a note that said something in a dream and remembered what I said when you woke? Whenever I'm given notes in dreams I seem to know what it says in the dream, but when I wake up I can't decipher it though I remember the symbols.

It's like the cosmos are fucking with us. Like we're going to give you access to this whole new language and incredible world where you can imagine and do anything but the catch is you won't remember it when you wake.

Hmm.. do you think that's going to happen to you? That you are going to be a human test monkey?


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I'm not really sure what the difference is here to be honest.... feeling the emotion from the dream and the emotion forming naturally because of the dream seem like the same thing?
Say in a dream you are running from a giant rabid hoarse, and you feel terror, this is because the feeling of terror and being chased was translated into the image by your conscious mind, the feeling pervades the whole bit of the dream, because thats what the dream is really about, that feeling, I have felt afraid of things in dreams that I would never have been afraid of in real life because that fear was part of the dream, however, in the dreams I was mentioning, the feelings arose naturally as a consequence of experiencing the dream, like having a weird-as-fuck dream and waking up feeling confused, the confusion wasnt from the dream but because of it. Yes the emotions of depression or hatred grew within the dream, but it felt like my conscious mind responding to the experience not the founding emotions of the experience.

Thats the best I can explain it.


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I have probably heard it but I'm not a big Pearl Jam fan. Please don't attack me. *hiding
It’s o.k.-& I haven’t heard it in forever! Probably like 2001, or before -(maybe came out in 93/4). . They’re great. Singers good. Got some good songs - but by far the weakest sound (ing) - in terms of, “heaviness~” of the grunge bands (4). And, I always feel like it’s a bit of a backhanded compliment—when you’re best songs (to or for me) are slow songs . . /(_for a “rock^band!) ;D


SF Supporter
It’s o.k.-& I haven’t heard it in forever! Probably like 2001, or before -(maybe came out in 93/4). . They’re great. Singers good. Got some good songs - but by far the weakest sound (ing) - in terms of, “heaviness~” of the grunge bands (4). And, I always feel like it’s a bit of a backhanded compliment—when you’re best songs (to or for me) are slow songs . . /(_for a “rock^band!) ;D
Also taken into account: he (ed) is the last one left; of the “Mohican’s!” Gone are the frontmen for the other 3 - & if you wanna extend it beyond that—to 2 more bands who were rock oriented at or around that time, but not from Seattle: then it’s he & billy (smashing pumpkins), as Scott wetland is also gone (S.T.P.)_.~


My own thinking on dreams is that they are just a side-effect of brain activities that occur in the REM stage of sleep, a mechanism for cleaning up the brain’s neural pathways.

There are theories of course that dreams reveal truths and answers to life's conundrums buried in our psyches but the way I see it, millions of years of evolution and the most effective method of delivery for this hidden wisdom is in an indecipherable, nonsensical format of symbols and bizarre imagery, and most people forget them upon waking.


stuck in place yet again
Have you ever been given a note that said something in a dream and remembered what I said when you woke? Whenever I'm given notes in dreams I seem to know what it says in the dream, but when I wake up I can't decipher it though I remember the symbols.

It's like the cosmos are fucking with us. Like we're going to give you access to this whole new language and incredible world where you can imagine and do anything but the catch is you won't remember it when you wake.

Hmm.. do you think that's going to happen to you? That you are going to be a human test monkey?
so ive never had been given a note but i did have a dream that amazon ceo got kidnapped and a dream giving me a hint to where my sister's lost car keys were


Outsider in the Realm of Lost and Found
I don't think I've ever had a dream, except for some flashy images and sounds. Nevertheless, I don't take those flashes seriously. It's almost impossible to deduct something from them.
Hey everyone,

I can't sleep and I'm curious about how others interpret or view their dreams?

Do you take them literally, metaphorically?

Do you think they're foreshadowing what's to come?

Do you give heavy weight to your dreams or none at all?

I have vivid dreams and it can take me a long while to detach myself from the emotions experienced while in dreamland.

I believe they are my brain trying to process my experiences and emotions, but I don't think that's the full story...
I place a lot of importance in dreams. I think they're wiser than me - what part of my mind is me? That's a whole different subject.
I once had a dream where I was telling people about a new business venture I was starting. I said how I was opening a shop which would sell china and porcelain. The other person asked me where that would be. I said it was in Pamplona. Then I woke up. I wondered what the dream was about and then I realised that all I knew about Pamplona was that they had the Running Of The Bull where the main street is closed off and bulls are chased along it.. Of course with the bull in the china shop that would be the worst place to start my business.
In another dream I was desperate to go to the toilet. I looked everywhere. My bladder was bursting. In the distance I saw a public toilet. I rushed towards it but when I got there I couldn't go in because it was being picketed by transexuals.
In one more dream - rather rude - I was employed as Jennifer Anniston's servant. One of my duties was to kneel beneath a table and give her oral sex. After what seemed like ages while she spoke nonstop to her agent, stylist or whoever, she asked me to stop. "To be honest," I told her, "I prefer the one who played Monica."
You couldn't make this stuff up.


Well-Known Member
Had my most intense dream lastnight in regards falling off the wagon (6 years sober) ,it was in relation to the loneliness ive been experiencing also .all real situations playing out in my life,,im craving an escape from the mess in in .


Well-Known Member
They're a reflection of your own psych, and I think it's good to interpreted them in the way you think fits. If they're signalling an issue, a distress, it's a good idea to deal with it, if legit.

Take note though, while they can be an insightful look into your resting mind (revealing your fears and desires for example), they have 0 value outside it, since it's basically you imagining it. Outside the realm of fun, I wouldn't recommend taking someone else's interpretation of *your* dream seriously, and it definitely wouldn't make sense that it could foresee the future, or tell you something about a person outside of your bias.
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