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I am doing alright at the moment, am riding on a relief medication brings, having some tea and a ciggie. How was your Sunday? (the whole day I was under impression it was Saturday until somebody in chat mentioned it is actually Sunday :D )
Glad to hear you're alright, my friend. My Sunday was okay, got some new internet friends so that was fun. And it's already Monday in where I live hahaha
Ahh I see I understand what you mean. is Hes a different person in a bad way I'm guessing you still see him around now and then

Random question do you have any pets. Is it morning where you are.
I don't see him around because it was a long distance relationship lol. Also, I'm not worried about seeing him in real life because I know he can't afford to go to where I live lol (it sounds cruel but it's true). What I'm worried about is that what if one day I'll have to go to his country for work or something and then I came across him. Haha. It's pretty impossible because the world is big, you know? lol.

I don't have any pets, and it's like 3:30 pm in where I live now


Well-Known Member
That's a bit harsh that he cant afford to go where you live lol. What you mean one day you might have to go to his country for work Do you work in different countries. The world is big seriously I didnt know that that's spooky 😱. Iv always wanted to go Greece.

3:30pm dam it's only 10:36am here. I want a pet but my apartment building doesnt alow pets 😒.

Oh did you read a post I commented on about pets and what I did lol.
That's a bit harsh that he cant afford to go where you live lol. What you mean one day you might have to go to his country for work Do you work in different countries. The world is big seriously I didnt know that that's spooky 😱. Iv always wanted to go Greece.

3:30pm dam it's only 10:36am here. I want a pet but my apartment building doesnt alow pets 😒.

Oh did you read a post I commented on about pets and what I did lol.
Haha by that I mean, what if one day I got a job that would require me to move to/visit his country. I would be pretty paranoid


Well-Known Member
That's good thinking wanting to have your own business honestly. No idea how old you are but if your young then learn as much as you can.

Thank you. My health is a joke iv had to have 4 blood trasfusions up to now iv haf 3 in the last 13 months with one being few weeks ago. My first was back in 2018 I was a manager in a warehouse in a good company really good pay as well but one day in work I just went all white and collapsed I needed an emergency blood transfusion. I'm losing blood inside and they cant find where it is. Iv had so many cameras go inside scans x rays so many tests but nope cant find it. Iv got one more test coming up it's where I swallow a video capsule other than that theres not much more they can do lol. It literally pisses me off I'm only 38 and I cant do anything cos of my bullshit health. Sorry I'm venting lol..

Glad your doing good makes me happy your doing good. I'm good it's a beautiful day I cut my hair this morning so I feel much better..
That's good thinking wanting to have your own business honestly. No idea how old you are but if your young then learn as much as you can.

Thank you. My health is a joke iv had to have 4 blood trasfusions up to now iv haf 3 in the last 13 months with one being few weeks ago. My first was back in 2018 I was a manager in a warehouse in a good company really good pay as well but one day in work I just went all white and collapsed I needed an emergency blood transfusion. I'm losing blood inside and they cant find where it is. Iv had so many cameras go inside scans x rays so many tests but nope cant find it. Iv got one more test coming up it's where I swallow a video capsule other than that theres not much more they can do lol. It literally pisses me off I'm only 38 and I cant do anything cos of my bullshit health. Sorry I'm venting lol..

Glad your doing good makes me happy your doing good. I'm good it's a beautiful day I cut my hair this morning so I feel much better..
Yup... I'm trying my best :)

Again I'm so sorry about your health problems :( and yeah you're still so young! Got a lot of things to do... haha. I wish you good luck with everything my friend

Thanks so much, I'm glad to hear you're good as well.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much honestly I appreciate you saying that I don't really have anyone to say awww poor boo boo about my health lol But thank you. I'm to young and pretty to deal with this but I never let it get to me it's just another thing I have to deal with on top of everything else which I'm doing ok with I'm still smiling πŸ€—.

Ahh that's sounds to much hard work lol. With your permission I'll PM you the pic but its completely fine if not honestly.

What you been up to today I keep forgetting your 5/6 hours ahead of my time it's only 5:10pm here..
Thank you so much honestly I appreciate you saying that I don't really have anyone to say awww poor boo boo about my health lol But thank you. I'm to young and pretty to deal with this but I never let it get to me it's just another thing I have to deal with on top of everything else which I'm doing ok with I'm still smiling πŸ€—.

Ahh that's sounds to much hard work lol. With your permission I'll PM you the pic but its completely fine if not honestly.

What you been up to today I keep forgetting your 5/6 hours ahead of my time it's only 5:10pm here..
Haha, no worries :)

Yeah you can PM me!

It's almost 12:00 am here, will probably go to sleep soon

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