How to you ground yourself?

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Well-Known Member
This isn't urgent, but I was having a really hard afternoon, and had some intense suicidal urges. What are some ways that you guys ground yourself in a crisis?
Feel free to move if this is the wrong place for this thread.
I dont really know but sometimes i go and take a shower, read a book, draw a picture, even though i cant draw, or write in his spiral notebook i have. It doesent have to be positive but it helps to get out what you're thinking. Gotta hide that book really well. And then i hope the urges don't come back.

And music!!!! Lots of it, happy/positive/upbeat if you've got some.
Sorry if i'm not much help. But thats what i've got.


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
Try positive self talk, and controlled breathing.. In thru the nose and out thru the mouth..Those are two coping skills I learned thru therapy and they help..


Well-Known Member
I'd agree with the controlled breathing- nice and slow and deep. It really works plus it can be done anywhere anytime.
If. Have the energy I also go for a walk- not too long! Thankfully I live on a hill that let's me overlook my city on the way back which is relaxing.
Also talking to someone- it doesn't have to be about your feelings- even mudane chatter from someone can make you feel less alone.


Well-Known Member
i try and go for walk every day
deep breathing
go on internet
loud music to drown out the mind chatter
call a crisis line to hear non judgemental voice
cry a lot
get to my bubble, a safe place i have where nothing gets in or out.
and ofc, we can come here!

is there something or somewhere that makes you feel good, hug it or touch it, go there..sing at the top of your the energy up and then hopefully you will ground a little better. good luck
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