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Wasting echo you can be different and do not follow that pattern. You have to stay strong for yourself. You are important and please do not hard on yourself.


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Just posting to say I care and I hope the feelings of hopelessness and emptiness fade away :hug:


Well-Known Member
Me too is lonely fell last week no one was there to pick me up; injured my lower spinal cord, shoulder and right ear; have no money to pay my bills getting disconnection notice, eating only bread and drinking coffee for past two days, cannot apply for disability and social support, have not took a bath in two days as drain is clogged, no tooth paste to brush my teeth using salt, very limited medicines left taking sparingly to save as much as possible, .............................. lived like a king few years ago, three maids to do house chores, one more person who took care of my farmhouse, $100,000 cars and a driver, fully paid house in the city, fully paid farmhouse in the suburbs (20 minutes from home), loving wife and son, over $100,000 yearly net savings after tax and expenses, personal expenses, vacations, etc., good job, friend circle, and good health, you name it. Nothing now .............

But one most precious thing will always be with me, all the things were because of that.That thing is the fighting spirit. I will never surrender, will face every situation and find my way. I did it before, and will do it again. If need be, will do it repeatedly.


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Sending supportive thought from one who has lost everything and living in an 18' camper that my daughter who is in college is paying for. She lost her tablet and needs it so badly for school. One month of rent would buy her one. Instead she is working 2 jobs to support me and trying to stay in school.

I read one time that most people in the USA were 3-4 paychecks away from homelessness. I am amazed at the number of people who blame the poor for being poor.

Is thee a food pantry close by you that can help?

Why can you not apply for support?


Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
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Why not?

Spending most of my time lonely and in pain isn't worth it
Finding someone to share the painful journey might help you for the time being, do you have a support system like a Therapist, a family member or a friend you possiblity can reach out to?


Well-Known Member
Its a complex situation, if I go for social support will definitely jeopardise many things. I do own a small restaurant with some food inventory. But this is my merchandise. I am very close to break-even. I will be able to sell this place only if it is above break-even. A guy is expected to come with an offer any time today. Once, I manage to close this deal can do many things. If not, I will have to do what you suggested. I still have $100 left in my credit card account. That's why mentioned in my earlier posts in the past 2 days about tomorrow. ............... but this tomorrow does not seem be coming soon. The only regret I have is that I managed to develop the concept, built the clientèle, created on-line presence and image of my business, worked my ass off in the past two years to get to where I am now, invested everything in it and achieved 99% of my planned target. Once, I got there had to give what I set aside for marketing and staff hiring for my son's university admission. I am was so close. No one from my family helped me, they don't even know what is going on in my business. They all think its not working. They left me alone from the very first day because they never liked my this idea of becoming a cook from a Chartered Accountant. They think I have gone insane. They have no idea this is not about running a restaurant but developing a FUTURE food concept that will have worth of millions of dollars in near future. I have studied Canadian market and watchful of economic developments. I know exactly how yesterday's 0.25% reduction in interest rate is going to affect the market and how it will help my business model. I forgot to mention that this is not just a new food concept but a whole business model encompassing everything. The food concept is just a small component.
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