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total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
Good to hear from you again what is bs hun the thinking I get it sometimes it is hard to think clearly especially when ones mind is all over place
just know you will be heard hear ok You are cared for here hugs


Well-Known Member
Im feeling a little lost right now. Ive made heaps of progress but "today" it doesn't feel enough. (I have lots of "today" days). Thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
Lost again. The doc says I live in a cave.........its safer in here. (Emotionally (my sometimes automatic response) I seem to agree.)
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Well-Known Member
My doc has been on holiday for a couple of weeks.

Its been pretty lonely.

I've heard that as you get better you can start to see where you are. This may be frightening but I want to realise that even to get to this stage I have improved.

Hoewever, some times its "bullshit" "bullshit" "bullshit"


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Hi, Smilie. I just saw your most recent post now. I have felt shy, awkward, and lonely. I've always needed a bit of "exposure" to people a few times before I feel comfortable. Haven't felt "ashamed" - more like annoyed with myself for being shy.

Do you have social activities in real life that you are comfortable with? Maybe a few friends that you talk to? I joined some volunteer groups and took some classes so I'd meet people. It helped to have a sort of regular contact with the same people. The volunteer activity and classes gave us things in common which helped ease my awkwardness. I hope you're doing all right these days. :hug:
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